The first step in using the Export Utility is to start it. Next comes deciding upon the data type or format you need to export. You can export to multiple formats in a single export session. To this end, LAW allows you to export critical data used by litigation support applications and provides a wide ranging list of possible export formats. Some of the export formats allow for advanced configuration, which are covered in the Format-Specific Settings section.
Considerations when planning an export session include: deciding how to handle native applications, selecting image file formats, and configuring formats and fields for load files.
For a complete list of export formats, including details regarding file extensions assigned to exported items and many other details, see the quick reference in this topic.
•From the main form or a standalone grid, on the Tools menu click Export Utility. Or •Click the Export Utility button (
The following kinds of data may be exported: •Scanned data •Electronic discovery •Image files •Full text •Native files •Field data, for example, DocID and file metadata •Extended property metadata for certain types of files, including PDF, Office documents, and EXIF (TIFF and JPEG) files. Extended properties can be recognized by their "EP" prefix, for example, "EPTypist."
The following kinds of items can be exported: •Native files •Load files formatted for compatibility with litigation support programs •Image files of various formats •XML
The types of load files that are supported are listed as follows. Links in the following list provide additional information and additional configuration options where available: •Doculex Viewer 4.x •Doculex Viewer 5/6 •Inmagic's DB/TextWorks •LaserFiche •OmniDox (Custom) •Summation Blaze •TotalVzn
Note the following considerations about external applications when using the Export Utility: •Because the requirements for working with each export format are unique, LAW provides application-specific settings to better handle each format. •Many of the applications for working with supported formats are only viewers and do not support index or OCR information. Consult the documentation for the intended target applications before doing any coding or OCR to avoid wasting time performing unnecessary steps in CloudNine™ LAW. LAW supports many litigation support packages.
The image format required is a result of the target application and its image viewer. Some applications use one multi-page image file to represent a multi-page document. Other applications use a series of single-page image files (logically grouped) to represent a multi-page document. If images created via TIFF Conversion in LAW were stored in multi-page format and a single-page export format was chosen, the images would need to be split upon exporting, which can significantly slow the process. Therefore, converting to single-page TIFF files is recommended whenever possible.
Note the following facts about load file extensions: •The load file extensions indicate the extensions of the load files that are created for each of the supported formats. •With the exception of Doculex (which uses a FoxPro database) and the Concordance DCB export, all of the load files created are text files that conform to the specifications defined by the target application. •In the case of Concordance and JFS, the export produces two export files, one with index data and one with image information. •The load files can be found in the export path after the export is complete. •The load files are named (with the appropriate extensions) according to the last folder in the export path (e.g., "Vol001.dat", "Vol001.dii", etc., for an export path of "D:\Exports\Case1\Vol001"), because LAW assumes this is the volume label for the export.
The following table lists supported export formats, image file formats (single or multi-page images), load file extensions, formats that support importing of index information, native file support, and support for (single- or multi-page) OCR.