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The windows used to configure settings for both the E-Print (ED - Native Files) and the TIFF Conversion processes of the Batch Processing Utility are almost identical in appearance, yet each window contains its own exclusive Category relative to that process. Once settings have been configured within either window, you can save them as a shared Tiff Profile for future use, or you can create individual Tiff Profiles for each process as desired.
Refer to the Tiff Profiles topic for more information.
A Knowledge Based Article on this subject can be found here: What TIFF Conversion settings do I choose for best quality images? (cloudnine.com)
A Knowledge Based Article on this subject can be found here: How can I convert HEIC files to TIFF/JPG in LAW? (cloudnine.com)
Within these windows, each Category (with the exception of E-Print, Passwords, and TIFF Output) applies only to (selected) documents belonging to the specified SourceApp. Remember that native (source) applications must be installed on the local machine for E-Printing, or on at least one contributing machine for TIFF Conversion, in order for these settings to be properly applied during processing. Refer to the Supported File Types Table for more information.
Some MSG files with large inline images are not able to re-size the image to fit the page when tiffing or printing via batch processing. This issue is by design, because this is a limitation of the source applications not auto-sizing the images during the tiffing\printing process. |
To view page data (PageSize, PageWidth, PageHeight) in the index or grid view after converting PDFs to TIFFs using batch processing, you must run the Update Page Data batch process. See Updating Page Data for details. |
This Category only applies to PostScript (PS) documents listing "Adobe Acrobat" as the SourceApp. For the E-Print process, these settings should only be adjusted if a printing error occurs. For the TIFF Conversion process, Language Level 3 is highly recommended for PDF conversion. |
This Category only applies to "Lotus Notes" (NSF) documents. •Print Lotus Notes e-mails natively from Lotus - NSF documents listing an application other than "Lotus Notes" as the SourceApp will be processed using Lotus Notes as the native application instead.
Use this Category to select a printer, configure printer-specific settings, and determine Separator Page usage. •Active Printer - This drop-down to determines which printer (driver) will be used. oSetup... - This button will open the printer-specific settings interface provided by the manufacturer. •Print Separator pages - Prints Separator Pages at the start of each document and/or folder. The following settings apply: oTemplate - This drop-down determines which Template will be used for Separator Pages. oOptions... - Opens the Map Placeholder Templates window, which is used to manage Separator Sheets & Placeholders Templates. Only available if the <Custom> Template is selected. ▪Paper Source - The following drop-downs determine which printer tray to use for the various Separator Pages: •Included - At the start of each document with an available native application (displayed in the SourceApp field), a Separator Page is printed from the selected tray unless <Do Not Print> is selected. •Excluded - At the start of each document without an available native application (displayed in the SourceApp field), a Separator Page is printed from the selected tray unless <Do Not Print> is selected. •Folders - Prints a Separator Page at the start of each folder from the selected tray, unless <Do Not Print> is selected. oPrint separator pages only - Only Separator Pages (for the selected documents and/or folders) will be printed. Documents themselves are not printed.
Identifying LAW E-Print Jobs in the SpoolerFor documents without native applications available, e-print jobs created by LAW can be identified in the print spooler by the following format: "LAW Batch <Value> - <Document> - <Separator>" In this format, the <Value> portion is a 6-digit number (starting at 000001) that increments by 1 for each print job, and the <Document> portion will either be the DocID, BegDoc#, or ID of the document being printed. For Separator Pages only, the <Separator> portion displays either "Break" for document separators, or "Folder Break" for folder separators. The <Document> portion is not present for the folder breaks. However, when documents are e-printed from their native applications, the spooler will display the name of that document as it appears in the Case Database instead of the above format. |
This Category only applies to "Microsoft Excel" documents. •Override Default Settings - With this enabled, individual (default) spreadsheet settings are overridden by the following: oOrientation - Determines whether documents should be in Portrait or Landscape orientations. oScaling - The following settings determine whether or not spreadsheets are re-sized: ▪Auto-Size Columns - All columns will be automatically adjusted to fit the information contained within their cells. ▪Fit to Page - The entire spreadsheet will be re-sized to fit on a single page. This can cause larger spreadsheets to become unreadable. oPrint - The following settings determine how spreadsheet data is displayed: ▪Gridlines - Cell outlines (gridlines) will be included. ▪Footers - Footers will be included. ▪Headers - Headers will be included. ▪Hidden rows/columns - Hidden rows and columns will be included. ▪Hidden sheets - Hidden sheets will be included. ▪Print black & white - All background colors/patterns are converted to white, and all cell/text colors are converted to black. ▪Remove repeating columns - Columns will no longer repeat on each page. ▪Remove repeating rows - Rows will no longer repeat on each page. ▪Row and column headings - All headings will be included. ▪Comments - This drop-down determines how comments are displayed. oPage order - Determines the direction that multiple spreadsheet pages are organized when processed onto a single page. The icon on the right provides a visual representation for reference. ▪Down, then over - Spreadsheet pages are organized within the same "column" first (down), then a new "column" of pages is created to the right (over). ▪Over, then down - Spreadsheet pages are organized within the same "row" first (over), then a new "row" of pages is created underneath (down). oField Replacements - The following options determine how dynamic data (fields) contained within spreadsheets are treated: ▪Date/Time fields - This drop-down determines how date and time fields are treated. ▪Filename fields - This drop-down determines how file name fields are treated. |
This Category applies page limits to "Microsoft Excel", "Adobe Acrobat", "LAW PDF", and "Text/RTF Printer" documents. When page limits are enabled, these (selected) documents will have their HasPageLimit fields automatically updated to display a Y. •Output Page Limit - The following settings establish a page limit (0-32767) for documents being processed: oLimit Excel output to [#] pages - Only [#] pages will be processed for Excel documents (SourceApp = "Microsoft Excel"). oLimit PDF output to [#] pages - Only [#] pages will be processed for PDF documents (SourceApp = "Adobe Acrobat" or "LAW PDF"). oLimit text output to [#] pages - Only [#] pages will be processed for Text documents (SourceApp = "Text/RTF Printer"). •Fall Back Print - The following setting only applies when an error is returned during processing: oFallback to Shell Printer on Error - Windows establishes its own default applications for specific file types. When this feature is enabled, if the SourceApp encounters an error during document processing, then LAW will fallback to the default Windows application instead. These applications are already used by default when "Shell Printer" is listed as the SourceApp. |
This Category only applies to "Internet Explorer" (HTML) documents. •Remove indentation from presaved e-mails (HTML) when printing - E-mail documents in HTML format will have all indentations removed (output only), which prevents longer threads from having excessive indentation after processing. •Use alternate HTML rendering engine for Internet Explorer - The alternate engine can drastically increase processing speeds for HTML documents, but is not as thoroughly tested with complex HTML as Internet Explorer. It is recommended to test this engine on small batch samples before committing to any large scale production. •A Knowledge Based Article on this subject can be found here: Batch Printing HTML documents after Internet Explorer’s End date of June 15th (cloudnine.com) |
This Category only applies to "Image Printer" documents. •Auto-Rotate images - Document images are automatically rotated to their correct orientation (landscape or portrait) during processing. You can choose whether they should be rotated Clockwise or Counter-clockwise with this setting. This setting can be useful when processing batches of documents with varying orientations. |
This Category only applies to "IrfanView" documents. Note that some Print Size options apply to the paper/page size selected within the Active Printer/Driver settings interface (configured with the Setup... button in either the E-Print or TIFF Output Categories respectively). •Rotate Images: oAuto-Rotate images - Document images are automatically rotated to their correct orientation (landscape or portrait) during processing. This setting can be useful when processing batches of documents with varying orientations. •Orientation - Determines whether documents should be in Portrait or Landscape orientations. •Print Size - The following options determine how document sizes are handled during processing: oOriginal size (from image DPI) - Documents will maintain their original image size (based on their current DPI). oBest fit to page (aspect ratio) - Documents will be scaled to fit the current paper/page size while maintaining the same aspect ratio. oStretch to page (no aspect ratio) - Documents will be scaled to fit the current paper/page size without maintaining the same aspect ratio. oCustom - Documents will be scaled to match the specified Width and Height dimensions (in inches). ▪Aspect ratio - Only applies to the Custom Print Size. Documents will be scaled to fit within the Width and Height dimensions while maintaining the same aspect ratio. |
Use this Category to provide access to any password-protected documents that are being processed. Remember that passwords are always case-sensitive. •Acrobat Passwords (Limit of 3) - Here you can list up to 3 passwords for Adobe PDF documents/files. Use the following buttons to manage this password list: oAdd - This button opens the Add Password window, allowing you to type in a single password. Click OK when finished to add that password to the Acrobat Passwords list. oRemove - With a password selected from the Acrobat Passwords list, clicking this button will remove that password from the list. •MS Office Passwords - Here you can list any number of passwords for Microsoft Office documents/files. Use the following buttons to manage this password list: oAdd - This button opens the Add Password window, allowing you to type in a single password. Click OK when finished to add that password to the MS Office Passwords list. oRemove - With a password selected from the MS Office Passwords list, clicking this button will remove that password from the list. oClear - This button will remove all passwords from the MS Office Passwords list. |
This Category only applies to "Microsoft PowerPoint" documents. •Do not print date/time stamps - Automatic date and time stamps will not be included. •Do not print footers - Footers will not be included. •Do not print headers - Headers will not be included. •Print hidden slides - Hidden slides will be included. •Scale to fit paper - Document slides will be scaled to match the page size selected within the Active Printer's own settings interface (configured with the Setup... button in the E-Print Category). •Print what - This drop-down determines if/how notes should be included, from the following options: oSlides - Only slides will be included. oSlides and Notes - Slides and notes will be included, with notes appearing on the same page as their corresponding slide. oSlides and Notes (Full Page) - Slides and notes will be included, with notes appearing on a separate page right after their corresponding slide. •Color mode - This drop-down determines how colors on slides are treated. |
This Category only applies to "Microsoft Project" documents. •Orientation - Determines whether documents should be in Portrait or Landscape orientations. •Scaling - The following settings determine whether or not projects are re-sized: oAuto-Size Columns - All columns will be automatically adjusted to fit the information contained within them. oFit Timescale - The entire document will be re-sized to fit on a single page. This can cause longer timescales to become unreadable. •Print - The following settings determine how project data is displayed: oView - This drop-down determines which project view is used. When selecting Task Sheet View, only the Notes setting is available, and Fit Timescale will be disabled. oAll Columns - All columns are included. oLegend - Legends are included. oBlank Pages - Blank pages are included. oNotes - Notes are included. oPrint first [#] columns on each page - The first [#] columns (0-99) of the project will appear on each page. Setting a value of 0 disables this feature. •Sort - Use these two drop-downs to determine how project data is sorted. The first drop-down determines the property to sort by, and the second drop-down determines the sorting direction. |
Use this Category to select a TIFF converter (driver), configure driver-related settings, and determine Placeholder Template usage. •Active Driver - This drop-down to determines which TIFF converter (driver) will be used. Use Law Image Driver or the Law Image Driver 300 DPI for TIFF/JPG. oSetup... - This button will open the driver-specific settings interface provided by the developer. •Color Reduction - This drop-down determines whether or not colors from document images will be converted (reduced) to ensure proper color matching. •Color Compression - This drop down determines the compression scheme being used for colors in document images. •Output Format - TIFF conversion can either be produced in Serialized (single-page) or Multipage format. oMultipage unless size is over: - Only available for TIFF conversion. Select this option to produce TIFF files larger than the specified size (KB) in Serialized format, while still producing all other TIFF files in Multipage format. •Drop Blank Pages - Only available for TIFF conversion. Page images containing very small pixel ratios (as is typically the case with blank pages of any color) are automatically removed from the document during the conversion process. •Overwrite existing files - If TIFF files already exist from a prior conversion, then they will be overwritten. •Print placeholders for excluded/unsupported documents - If a document does not have an available native application to use for conversion, then a Placeholder image will be produced instead. •Print placeholders for documents that error during conversion - If a document encounters an error during conversion, then a Placeholder image will be produced instead. •Placeholder Template - This drop-down determines the Placeholder Template that will be used for all Placeholder images. oOptions... - Opens the Map Placeholder Templates window, which is used to manage Separator Sheets & Placeholders Templates. Only available if the <Custom> Placeholder Template is selected. •Save text with images (Law Image Driver only) - Only available for TIFF conversion through the LAW Image Driver. Text will automatically be extracted from document images during the conversion process. This will not work with documents that use Internet Explorer 9 as their native application. oReset text index status - Only available for TIFF conversion through the LAW Image Driver. Text extracted from document images will automatically become flagged for full-text indexing. •Treat native image TIFF/JPG for record (bypass conversion) - Documents already in TIFF/JPG file format are simply copied from their $NativeFiles folder (located in the $EDD folder within the root case folder) into the $Image Archive folder (located within the root case folder) instead of being converted. oForce TIFF conversion settings on native TIFF images - Applies the Color Reduction, Color Compression, Output Format, and Drop Blank Pages settings (where applicable) to all copied TIFF files during the conversion process before moving them into the $Image Archive folder.
Identifying LAW TIFF Conversion Jobs in the SpoolerFor documents without native applications available, conversion jobs created by LAW can be identified in the driver spooler by the following format: "LAW Batch <Value> - <Document> - Placeholder" In this format, the <Value> portion is a 6-digit number (starting at 000001) that increments by 1 for each conversion job, and the <Document> portion will either be the DocID, BegDoc#, or ID of the document being converted. However, when documents are converted from their native applications, the spooler will display the name of that document as it appears in the Case Database instead of the above format. |
This Category only applies to "Microsoft Word" documents. •Do not print headers - Headers will not be included. •Do not print footers - Footers will not be included. •Force repagination before printing - Documents will be repaginated (pages re-numbered, page breaks fixed) before processing. •Log warning for Word 95/6.0 documents - These specific versions of Word documents will have warnings logged during processing, making it easier to later isolate them from the batch for quality control purposes. •Reveal hidden text - Hidden (or otherwise invisible) text is included. Select one of the following options to determine how this text is revealed: oFast Mode - All text will be made black, and backgrounds will be made white. This mode is incredibly efficient. oNormal Mode - Text and background colors will be compared to each other. •Show comments - Comments will be included. •Show revisions - Tracked Changes will be included for documents which have that option enabled. •Field Replacements - The following options determine how dynamic data (fields) contained within documents are treated: oDate/Time fields - This drop-down determines how date and time fields are treated. oFilename fields - This drop-down determines how file name fields are treated. |