Adjusting Time-Outs

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Adjusting Time-Outs

For more information about starting and stopping the FYI Server, see Starting and stopping FYI Server.

For more information about broadcast messages and disconnecting sessions, see Sending broadcast messages and Disconnecting user sessions.

On the Server tab, you can adjust the following time-out settings:


Idle Session

The Idle session timeout feature allows you to set the number of minutes the FYI Server and/or FYI Administration Console Server allows a session to sit idle before closing the connection and disconnecting the user. When a user's connection status on the Connections tab in the FYI Admin Console displays as Idle, the user is typically editing or reviewing records in FYI Reviewer or Concordance .FYI, or working in the FYI Admin Console.

The Idle session time-out feature can be set on the Settings and Connections tabs in the FYI Admin Console. For more information about modifying the setting on the Connections tab, see Setting user connection options.



You can adjust the number of seconds the FYI Server waits before ending a session in FYI Reviewer or Concordance .FYI by changing the Shutdown timeout (in seconds) setting on the Settings tab. Sessions are ended when FYI Server services are stopped/restarted on the Server tab or when an individual user session is disconnected on the Connections tab. When a user’s session ends, FYI Server first attempts a soft kill, which sends a message to the server requesting it to close all files, save data, and end the user's session. Soft kills do not save data currently being edited by the client.


If a time-out occurs while a user is performing a long-term process, such as packing, indexing, or running a CPL, possible database corruption may occur.



You can adjust the number of seconds the FYI Server waits before disconnecting users' connections to the FYI Admin Console by changing the Disconnected timeout (in seconds) setting on the Settings tab. Sessions are ended when FYI Server services are stopped/restarted on the Server tab or when an individual user session is disconnected on the Connections tab. When a user’s session ends, FYI Server first attempts a soft kill, which sends a message to the server requesting it to close all files, save data, and end the user's session. Soft kills do not save data currently being edited by the client.


If a time-out occurs while a user is performing a long-term process, such as packing, indexing, or running a CPL, possible database corruption may occur.


To Modify the Idle Session Time-Out Setting on the Server Tab

1.Click the Settings tab.

2.Do any of the following:

To modify the time-out for the FYI Server, in the Server Settings section, click the time-out minutes in the Idle session timeout (in minutes) row, and type or scroll to the number of minutes a user session can be idle before the session times out.

To modify the time-out for the FYI Administration Console Server, in the Administration Console Server Settings section, click the time-out minutes in the Idle session timeout (in minutes) row, and type or scroll to the number of minutes a user session can be idle before the session times out.

i.The Idle session timeout (in minutes) setting defaults to 480 minutes. To disable time-outs, set the Idle session timeout (in minutes) field to 0 minutes.

3.Click Apply to save your settings.


To Modify the Shutdown Time-Out Setting

1.Click the Settings tab.

2.In the Server Settings section, click the time-out seconds in the Shutdown timeout (in seconds) row, and type or scroll to the number of seconds FYI Server waits before ending a session in FYI Reviewer or Concordance .FYI.

i.The Shutdown timeout (in seconds) setting defaults to 30 seconds. We recommend a shutdown of 4 minutes (240 seconds) for FYI Reviewer users, allowing them to save their work and exit the application.

3.Click Apply to save your settings.


To Modify the Disconnected Time-Out Setting

1.Click the Settings tab.

2.In the Administration Console Server Settings section, click the time-out seconds in the Disconnected timeout (in seconds) row, and type or scroll to the number of seconds FYI Server waits before disconnecting users' connections to the FYI Admin Console.

i.The Disconnected timeout (in seconds) setting defaults to 0 seconds. When Disconnected timeout (in seconds) is set to 0, the setting is disabled. We recommend a shutdown of at least 30 seconds for FYI Admin Console users. One second is the minimum accepted value.

3.Click Apply to save your settings.