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Once you've configured your desired ED Loader Settings, you're ready to start importing documents into the Case Database. From here, you have a variety of options available depending on your goals and the specific needs of each case.
Starting an ED Loader Session
1.Start by selecting the Sources tab within ED Loader.
2.Set your desired Session Variables for the current session if needed. In most instances, these will be left at their default values.
3.Add documents to the Source Queue via one of the following methods:
1)Drag and drop files/folders (not an entire drive) from any File Explorer onto the Source Queue pane.
2)Click on one of the six buttons located under the Add section of the Buttons pane to search for specific kinds of sources.
4.Edit the desired values for each source listed in the Source Queue as needed. All changes are highlighted in green.
i.Revert these changes by clicking on the appropriate Reset button at the bottom left.
5.Remove any unwanted sources by selecting the desired source from the Source Queue and clicking on the Remove Item button located under the Remove section of the Buttons pane.
i.Optionally, you may remove all listed sources from the Source Queue at any time by clicking on the Clear All button instead.
6.When you're satisfied with the Source Queue, click on Start at the bottom right to initiate the import process. The Confirm Settings window opens.
7.Ensure that you have the appropriate ED Loader Settings enabled/disabled, and then click on OK to initiate the import process.
i.If any settings look incorrect, you can click on Cancel instead, and navigate back to the Settings tab to change settings as desired.
8.You will be redirected to the ED Loader Progress screen.
Session VariablesThese values may be changed before or after sources have been added to the queue. •Default Target Folder - The location within the Case Directory/Case Database where all sources will be imported during this session. <Case Root> refers to the main case folder, which is named after the case itself. Entering a folder name that doesn't exist will cause that folder to be created automatically once importing begins. Pressing the [...] button on the right opens the Select Target Folder window. •Default Custodian - Select a Custodian from the drop-down menu to be used as the default during this session. Custodians are used as the top-level of organization for all documents imported into LAW. Pressing the [...] button on the right opens the Custodian Manager. •Session Label - Used as a unique identifier for separate ED Loader sessions within the same case. Pressing the [...] button on the right opens the Session Label Editor. •DocID Seed (max len. 45) - Used as the starting value for the unique DocID of each record listed within the Case Database, and increases in value for each record added. This value can be a mixture of numbers/letters and may contain up to 45 characters.
Source QueueThis pane displays a list of all sources currently selected for import. Separate columns at the top designate a Source Name, Custodian, Target Folder, and Source Path for each source listed. These values can be individually changed for each source (except for the Source Path) by clicking on the appropriate value and either typing directly into the field (for the Source Name), clicking on the down arrow (for the Custodian), or clicking on the [...] button (for the Target Folder) once that value is selected. Any changes made to these values are highlighted in green. Once changed, these values can be reverted back their defaults by clicking on the appropriate Reset button (Reset All, Reset Names, Reset Cstdns, Reset Folders) located at the bottom left. You can quickly add sources to the queue at any time by dragging any number of files/folders (not an entire drive) from a File Explorer onto the list. Buttons•Add - The following buttons are used to add specific files/folders to the Source Queue: oMail Store - Opens a File Explorer that specifically targets PST, OST, and NSF file extensions. Select the desired mail store, and then click Open to add it to the Source Queue. oOutlook Fldr. - Opens an internal Outlook folder browser, allowing you to select any number of Outlook mail folders from the available accounts. Check the appropriate boxes on the left of each desired mail folder, and then click Accept to add those folders to the Source Queue. This window has an optional setting: ▪Recurse Subfolders - All subfolders contained within selected mail folders are also added to the Source Queue. oFolder(s) - Opens an internal file browser, allowing you to select any number of source folders. Check the appropriate boxes on the left of each desired folder, and then click Accept to add those folders to the Source Queue. This browser has two optional settings: ▪Recurse Subfolders - All subfolders contained within selected folders are also added to the Source Queue. ▪Scan selection(s) for mailstores - Any mail stores contained within selected folders are also added to the Source Queue. oFile(s) - Opens an internal file browser, allowing you to select any files located within a specific folder. Navigate through folders on the left, and select files contained within on the right. Click Accept to add those files to the Source Queue. oFile List - Opens a File Explorer that specifically targets File Lists in TXT format. A File List contains full file paths to relative files, without quotations, separated by hard returns for each item listed. Relative file paths may be used as long as the File List itself is located within the top-level folder containing each path. oFailed Items - Repopulates the Source Queue with any source document that failed to import through a previous ED Loader session. •View Details - Opens the View Source Details window, providing brief details on any source selected within the Source Queue. •Remove - The following buttons are used to remove selected sources from the Source Queue: oRemove Item - Removes the selected source from the Source Queue. oClear All - Removes all listed sources from the Source Queue. |
This window scans the current Case Directory and displays a quick rundown of all the folders contained within. For newly created ED Loader cases, your directory will look similar to what's shown on the right. You can select folders from the list on the left to perform additional actions within the database: •New Folder - Creates a new folder within the currently selected folder on the left. This will open a smaller New Folder window: oNumber - Enter a number into this field. Limited to 4 characters. oType - Select a folder type from the drop-down menu. oFolder Name - This field displays the full name of the new folder as it will appear in the database, based on the choices made above. •Auto Create - Instantly creates a new folder following the same naming scheme as the currently selected folder on the left. Cannot be done with the root folder selected. •Refresh - Re-scans and updates the directory structure shown on the left. This is useful when managing Case Directories located on a shared network drive. •Apply selection to all sources - Sets the currently selected folder as the Target Folder for all sources when changing this value for any source within the Source Queue. •OK - Accepts selections made from this window. •Cancel - Closes this window. |
This window displays a list of all Custodians available for the current case. For newly created ED Loader cases, at least one Custodian must be created here first before becoming available for selection within the Session Variables pane or the Source Queue list. •Custodians (#) - Lists all available custodians for the active case. The total number of Custodians is displayed in parentheses. Select a Custodian from this list to perform additional actions. •Description - Displays a brief description of the selected Custodian when available. Type directly into this field to make any changes to the currently selected Custodian. •Current - Use this field to edit the name of the currently selected Custodian, or to enter the name of a new Custodian. •Add - Creates a new Custodian using the name and description currently displayed within the Current and Description fields respectively. •Update - Changes the name and description of the currently selected Custodian to match the text displayed within the Current and Description fields respectively. •Delete - Removes the currently selected Custodian from the list. •Clear All - Completely resets and removes all Custodians from the list. •Import... - Opens a File Explorer allowing you to search for an LST or TXT file to use as the Custodian list for the active case. •Export... - Opens a File Explorer allowing you to save the current Custodian list as an LST or TXT file. •OK - Closes this window and accepts all additions/changes made within. •Cancel - Closes this window and discards any changes made within. |
This window is used to create a Session Label for the current ED Loader session. •Variables - List of various automated tags that can be used. Double-click on one of the listed Variables to add it to the Session Label on the right. •Description - Provides a brief description on the Variable selected above. Useful for understanding what the selected Variable displays when used. •Session Label - This editable field displays the Session Label that will be applied to the current ED Loader session. •Reset - Clears all text from the Session Label field. •Accept - Closes this window and applies the displayed Session Label to the current ED Loader session. •Cancel - Closes this window and discards any changes made within. |
A Knowledge Based Article on this subject can be found here: Why am I seeing a "Wrong OS or OS Version Error"? (cloudnine.com)