<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Using CloudNine LAW > Importing Documents > ED Loader > Progress and Quality Control > ED Loader Progress and Summary Tabs |
After you've initiated an import session with the ED Loader utility, you are brought to the Progress screen under the Containers (Progress) tab. The ED Loader will first inventory the files, then it will begin to load the documents into LAW. A progress dialog will appear during the import process. The Progress dialog will indicate the source it is currently processing, how many records have been processed, and how many are remaining. In addition, it will identify any issues encountered with the files being processed.
•Processing Source: The current source being processed on that workstation. •Totals progress bar: visual and textual indicator of how much work is remaining and what has been done thus far. •Items Discovered: The total number of items that have been discovered and attempted to be processed. •Records Written: Displays the total number of records written to the LAW. This total will include duplicate records and/or records which qualify for a file type filter if the filter action is not set to ‘Exclude’. So if the record was written to the LAW case, it will be included in this total. •Incomplete (Failed): The number of records that ED Loader is unable to process. •Size Processed: The discovered size consists of the total number of MB’s ED Loader has processed. This value includes the file sizes from items such as zips, embedded items, e-mails, e-mail attachments, and other items that ED Loader may process. •Errors: Displays the number of errors that have occurred thus far in the current session. •Warning: Counts the number of warnings logged for the current session. •Suspect Extension: Displays the number of records which appear to have suspect extensions. •Filetype Exceptions: Counts the number of records found to be excluded on the Filetype list. The exclusion of files on the FTM list set to log the records for these items to be included in the ‘Written to LAW’ calculation. •Duplicates Detected: Counts the number of records found to be duplicates. The duplicate ‘Action’ must be set to log the records for these items to be included in the ‘Written to LAW’ calculation. •Conditional Exclusion: Number of records which were excluded because of being a mail store item or an empty (0 bytes) file. •NIST/NSRL Detected: The total number of records not written to LAW because of an exclusion caused by the NIST Filter. •Current Item: The item that ED Loader is working on in the present time •Elapsed: The time that has passed sense the start of ingestion session •Remaining: ED Loader does not currently log the total amount of time spent importing a specific session so this calculation is an estimate based on the Created date field found in case’s document table. The Created field consists of a time stamp of when the record was added to CloudNine™ LAW. By finding the minimum and maximum created dates for the records in a specific ED Loader session, the estimated processing time can be calculated. •Avg.: Calculates the average speed using the total number of documents found in the LAW case for the ED Loader session divided by the estimated time calculation. This is also an estimated value since the total processing time is only an estimate. •Pause: To Pause the ingestion •Cancel: To Cancel the ingestion
Once the import process is complete, the Complete dialog will appear providing a report the documents imported. There are two tabs: Containers, which identifies each Source Container and indicates a summary of each container, and Summary, which will display a summary of all containers
•Items Processed: Total number of records created during processing of the session. This includes those files that are otherwise excluded from import into LAW. Excluded files may be from conditional, deduplication, or file type exclusions. •Elapsed Time: The amount of time that has passed between the start and end of ingestion session. •Items Discovered: The total number of items that have been discovered and attempted to be processed. •Records Written to LAW: Displays the total number of records written to the LAW. This total will include duplicate records and/or records which qualify for a file type filter if the filter action is not set to ‘Exclude’. So if the record was written to the LAW case, it will be included in this total. •Size Processed: The discovered size consists of the total number of MB’s ED Loader has processed. This value includes the file sizes from items such as zips, embedded items, e-mails, e-mail attachments, and other items that ED Loader may process. •Excluded: The number of files that were excluded from processing. •Messages: Records that should be looked at during the QC process •Warnings: Total number of records that received some sort of warning message during the import. The record is created in LAW and a warning message is logged in the ErrorMsg field for the affected records. Samples of a warning message are: No text was found in specified file; Compound document extraction, and File is encrypted. •Duplicates Detected: Records that were flagged as duplicates during the import process. These records may or may not have been imported, depending on the selected action in the Deduplication settings. •File Type Exceptions: Records that were filtered based on the Include or Exclude list. The documents may or may not have been imported, depending on the selected action in the File Types settings. •Conditional Exclusions: Total number of records that were excluded based on the predefined exclusion settings in the ED Loader Exclusions category. These documents are not written to the LAW database. •NIST Detected: Records that were filtered based on the NIST/NSRL database. These records are not written to the LAW case database. •Suspect Extensions: Total number of records that were determined to be suspect files based on the file extension and file header. LAW validates all files to ensure the original file extension reflects the actual file type. An example of a suspect file is a Word .DOC extension that was renamed to a .001 extension. Suspect files are imported into LAW. The SuspectExt field in LAW will contain a Y value if it is believed to be a suspect file.
Clicking View logs will launch the Session Viewer. The Session Viewer provides you with the opportunity to view important information about the session such as warnings and errors. It is important to review these to ensure all records were imported into LAW. The Quality Control-Session Viewer section provides additional information about the Session Viewer.
A Knowledge Based Article on this subject can be found here: How Do I Pause and Resume ED Loader Import? (cloudnine.com) |