Page Properties Report

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Page Properties Report

CloudNine™ LAW can capture the source, size, and color information at a page level for images in a case. The reporting tool utilizes this information to provide tallies of each property for the images in a case and output the data to the Page Properties report.


WindowIcon Report Options

In addition to the Global Settings, the following options are available for the Page Properties report:

Document Range - When the range is set to All Documents, the report will span the entire LAW case. The Current Record Set option will only be available if one of the grid displays are active when launching from File > Administration or when launching from the standalone grid display's Tool menu (View Reports).

Group By Field (Primary) - Choose from one of the following options: Page Source, Page Size, or Page Color. The report will be grouped by the selected field.

Group By Field (Y-Axis) - Choose from one of the following options: Page Source, Page Size, or Page Color. The values in the selected field will appear in the Y-axis. The same field cannot be selected for both the Primary and Y-Axis grouping options.


InfoIconReport Contents

The report layout will vary depending on the fields selected for the primary and Y-axis grouping.

Since the above report is grouped by color, the primary sections are listed as Black & White, Color, and Unknown Color, as those were the colors found in this particular case. Within these sections, the Y-axis holds the various page sizes that were found in the LAW case. Totals for the page sizes or Y-axis fields are located at the end of the row (down the right side of the report). The Source data (i.e. Feeder) and totals are listed horizontally in each section.



For more information on Page Properties report data see Tracking Page Source, Size, and Color.