<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Using CloudNine LAW > Getting Started > Metadata Fields > Managing Fields > Predefined Metadata Fields Table |
This table covers Metadata Fields (System and Extended Properties) that are automatically generated for each Case Database and appear in the Modify Fields utility:
Field Name |
Field Description |
Data |
Possible Values/Examples |
Scope |
SQL Table |
_DocCat |
Type of document. |
Numeric |
Doc |
tblDoc |
_DupID |
Child duplicates have ID value of parent dup. Parents have their own ID value (from LAW ID for ED Loader cases, EDA ID for Turbo Import cases, or external deduplication database tblDupLog.DupID), allowing grouping of the field to locate dup families. |
Numeric |
0=Not a duplicate or not tested, >0=Dup or parent dup |
Doc |
tblDoc |
_DupMethod |
Indicates which key, or hash, was used when testing the duplicate state of the record. |
Numeric |
1=MD5Hash, 2=Sha1Hash, 129=MD5Hash - Deduplicated using Inter-Case Deduplication utility, 130=Sha1Hash - Deduplicated using Inter-Case Deduplication utility |
Doc |
tblDoc |
_FTIndex |
Displays status of full text indexing using numeric values. |
Numeric |
0=No text is available for indexing, 1=Document text ready for indexing, 2=Record was flagged for reindexing, but has not yet been reindexed, 3=Document text has been indexed |
Doc |
tblDoc |
The globally unique identifier (GUID) for a document in CloudNine™ LAW. The GUID field is populated when a file is imported into LAW using the ED Loader, Turbo Import, LAW case, or load file import. During imports using ED Loader or Turbo Import, each file is automatically assigned a unique GUID. During load file and LAW case imports, if the load file or case contains the GUID field and it is populated for a file, the GUID field will be populated with the existing GUID value. If the GUID field does not exist or is not populated for a file, a unique GUID is automatically assigned to the file. GUIDs can also be generated and populate the _GUID field using the Generate document GUIDs function on the Tools menu on the main form. The GUID value cannot be modified. |
Text |
B389E85F-8026-4247-AF95-019DEB696CFF |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Success/failure indicator tied to archive extraction process. |
Numeric |
0=Not executed, 1=Successfully executed, 2=Error occurred see ErrorMsg |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Success/failure indicator tied to attachment extraction process (set for parent and child). |
Numeric |
0=Not executed, 1=Successfully executed, 2=Error occurred see ErrorMsg |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Success/failure indicator tied to process of hashing native file. |
Numeric |
0=Not executed, 1=Successfully executed, 2=Error occurred see ErrorMsg |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Success/failure indicator tied to extraction of embedded images in e-mail. |
Numeric |
0=Not executed, 1=Successfully executed, 2=Error occurred see ErrorMsg |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Success/failure indicator tied to metadata extraction process. |
Numeric |
0=Not executed, 1=Successfully executed, 2=Error occurred see ErrorMsg |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Success/failure indicator tied to native file extraction process. |
Numeric |
0=Not executed, 1=Successfully executed, 2=Error occurred see ErrorMsg |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Success/failure indicator tied to OLE extraction process (set for parent and child). |
Numeric |
0=Not executed, 1=Successfully executed, 2=Error occurred see ErrorMsg |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ApplicationName |
Application value pulled from native file metadata. |
Text |
Microsoft Office Word |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Attach |
Populates parent records with original filenames of all attached records, separated by semi-colons. |
Text |
Attach1.doc |
Doc |
tblDoc |
AttachLvl |
Numeric values indicate if a record is a parent, attachment, or neither. |
Numeric |
0=Parent record, record without attachments, or record not an attachment 1=record is an attachment |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Attachmt |
Populates parent records with BegDoc# of each attached record, separated by semi-colons. |
Text |
ABC0002;ABC0003 |
Doc |
tblAttach |
AttachPID |
Populates parent records and attachments with the ID number of the parent record. |
Text |
0=record is not a parent or attachment >0=indicated record is parent or attachment, with value equal to ID of parent record |
Doc |
tblDoc |
AttRange |
Stores BegDoc# of parent record and EndDoc# of last attachment record, separated by a hyphen. Populated for all records in the family (parent and atachments). |
Text |
ABC0001 - ABC0008 |
Doc |
tblAttach |
Author |
Author value pulled from native file metadata. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
BatchStation |
Name of the computer that ran a batch process on a document. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
BCC recipient list for an e-mail message. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
BegAttach |
Displays BegDoc# of parent record. When exported, the values will match the field used as the Image Tag. |
Text |
ABC0001 |
Doc |
tblAttach |
BegDoc# |
Displays page ID of first page in a document. |
Text |
ABC0001 |
Doc |
tblDoc |
BookmarkName |
Names of bookmarks in an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Categories |
Category value pulled from native file metadata. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
CC |
CC recipient list for an e-mail message. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Comments |
Comments value pulled from the native file metadata. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Conversation |
Normalized subject of e-mails. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ConversationIndex |
E-mail thread identification. |
Text |
01C72AC4CB0FC3953C5FA8E149389B522EFF595EF9FB |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Created |
Stores date and time the record was created in CloudNine™ LAW. |
Date |
Doc |
tblDoc |
CustodianID (Custodian) |
Lookup field, displays textual value of custodian assigned by user in ED Loader or Turbo Import. |
List |
Doc |
tblCustodians.Name |
DateAccessed |
Last accessed date from the file properties. Note: Many functions will cause this value to be updated by Windows (e.g., viewing file properties, dragging and dropping) and therefore this date will often reflect the current date. To avoid this situation, run the DisableLastAccessUpdate.reg file located in the \LAW50 folder (same folder as law50.exe) prior to handling the data (requires reboot after running). This will prevent updates to this value (applies to LAW TimeAccessed field also) by Windows. To re-enable the registry setting, run the EnableLastAccessUpdate.reg file located in the same folder. |
Date |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DateAppEnd |
Calendar item appointment end date. |
Date |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DateAppStart |
Calendar item appointment start date. |
Date |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DateCreated |
Native file creation date. |
Date |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DateLastMod |
Date the native file was last modified. |
Date |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DateLastPrnt |
Date the native file was last printed (Office documents). |
Date |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DateRcvd |
E-mail message received date. |
Date |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DateSent |
E-mail message sent date. |
Date |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DelivReceipt |
Indicates whether a delivery receipt notification was requested. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No, NULL (attachments and e-docs will have null value) |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DocExt |
Native file extension. May show original extension or suggested extension, depending on state of "auto-assign ext." option in ED Loader or Turbo Import. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DocID |
For files imported using ED Loader or Turbo Import, the document ID value assigned during import. Starting number specified by user in DocID Seed field in Sources tab in ED Loader or Turbo Import. For files imported using Explore using the LAW Direct export, the Numbering Seed value automatically assigned by Explore during the process. |
Text |
00000150 |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DocOrder |
Numeric value indicating order of documents in each folder. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DupCustNames |
Names of custodians containing duplicate versions of the original record. Populated for parent/original records only (DupStatus=P) after running Tools > Apply Duplicate Relationships. |
Text |
FirstCustodianName; SecondCustodianName |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DupCustPaths |
Source path to each duplicate version of the original record. Populated for parent/original records only (DupStatus=P) after running Tools > Apply Duplicate Relationships. |
Text |
D:\Docs\; E:\Docs2 |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DupParentName |
Custodian name of the original record. Populated for duplicate records only (DupStatus=G or C) after running Tools > Apply Duplicate Relationships. |
Text |
ParentCustodianName |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DupParentPath |
Name of the custodian containing the original record. Populated for duplicate records only (DupStatus=G or C) after running Tools > Apply Duplicate Relationships. |
Text |
C:\Docs\ |
Doc |
tblDoc |
DupStatus |
Deduplication status. |
Text |
N=Not a duplicate, G=Global-level duplicate, C=Custodian-level duplicate, P=Parent duplicate |
Doc |
tblDoc |
EdaID |
Populated for parent items exported from Explore or Turbo Import. Pulled from InventoryItems.ID in the Explore case database. |
Numeric |
0=non-Explore record or not a Turbo Import, >0=ID of record in the Explore case Attachments in LAW will have the same EdaID of the parent record. For Turbo Import, the EdaIDs are non-sequential. |
Doc |
tblDoc |
EDFolderID (EdFolder) |
Full path to source files (if e-docs or loose e-mail) or folder path contained with a mail store (if NSF or PST). |
List |
Doc |
tblFolders.Name |
EDPages |
Number of printed pages determined by the e-Print batch process. |
Numeric |
Doc |
tblDoc |
EDSessionID (EDSession) |
For ED Loader imports, the session name, as defined in ED Loader's Session Label field. For imports from Explore, LAW Direct Export, or Turbo Import, this field is populated with: [export name] on [Explore case name] (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS). The export session time is based on the local timezone of the machine performing the export. Turbo Import sets will reflect the Import Set Name in this field. |
List |
Session Created On 1/4/2007 12:48:23 PM LDE Export - 001 on Explore Case Name (2015/09/30 2:30:02 PM) |
Doc |
tblEDSessions.Title |
EDSourceID (EDSource) |
Fully qualified original path to the source folder, files, and/or mail stores. |
List |
Doc |
tblEDSources.SourcePath |
EMail_Subject |
Subject of the e-mail message. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
EMailClient |
Email client used to send the email message (this is not always available). |
Text |
MS Outlook |
Doc |
tblDoc |
EndAttach |
EndDoc# of last attached document in family. When exported, the values will match the field used as the Image Tag. |
Text |
ABC0003 |
Doc |
tblAttach |
EndDoc# |
Page ID of last page in a document. |
Text |
ABC0003 |
Doc |
tblDoc |
EntryID |
Unique identifier of e-mails in mail stores. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
EP* |
Any field preceded by EP indicates a field that contains extended property or EP metadata. EP metadata can come from user defined fields added to original PDFs, Office files, and EXIF metadata for TIFF and JPEG image files. Any custom metadata found is placed into a special field designated as a an extended property. |
Text |
ex: if a Word document contains a value of Jones in its Typist field, upon import of the file, LAW creates a new field for the case called EPTypist and populate the field for that document with the value Jones. |
Doc |
tblExtendedProps |
ErrorMsg |
Contains error or warning messages if any occurred during ED Loader import, Turbo Import, or TIFF conversion. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ET_Conversants |
The names of all senders and recipients mentioned in the From, To, CC, and BCC fields found in the entire email, based on reading the headers of any quoted messages as well as the primary message itself. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ET_Inclusive |
Indicates whether a minimal set of documents can be viewed in order to read the email message thread's entire conversation. In the simplest case this will be true for the last message in the thread, since it will quote all the previous messages. Note that inclusiveness is calculated based on message bodies, and does not consider metadata, such as an email's subject. The ET_Inclusive field only flags email messages. It does not flag attachments. |
Text |
N=No, Y=Yes |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ET_InclusiveReason |
If ET_Inclusive field is set to Y, ET_InclusiveReason indicates why the email is inclusive. If the email message contains message content that is not copied in any of its subsequent replies or forwards, Message is displayed. If the email message has attachments that are not included in any of its subsequent replies or forwards, Attachment is displayed. If the email message has both new message content and new attachments not included in any of its subsequent replies or forwards, Message, Attachment is displayed. If ET_Inclusive field is set to N, ET_InclusiveReason field is blank. |
Text |
Message, Attachment |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ET_Indent |
Indicates the indent level of the email message in relation to the first email in the email thread associated with the email message. |
Numeric |
0=First email in the email thread, 1=Replies to first email, 2=Replies to replies to first email, 3=Replies to replies to replies to first email...and so on |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ET_IsMessage |
Indicates whether the document was recognized as an email message, or some other kind of document. |
Text |
N=No (other doc), Y=Yes (email) |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ET_MessageId |
A unique ID that is assigned to each message. If several documents have the same Message ID, it is because they were recognized as separate copies of the same email message. |
Text |
00001004 |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ET_MetaUpdate |
Indicates whether the email metadata was populated from analyzed text using the Near-Duplicate & Email Thread Analysis utility. |
Text |
N=No, Y=Yes |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ET_ParentId |
The immediate parent of the current email in the thread. For the first message, this will be blank. For each subsequent one, it will be the ID of the email which it replies to or is a forward of. |
Text |
00002766 |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ET_ThreadId |
A unique ID assigned to each message thread. |
Text |
00001701 |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ET_ThreadIndex |
Is composed of a base ID, plus a unique number for each message within the thread, and if there are attachments, the letter A plus the unique number for the attachment within the thread. For example, A1, A2, A3. Uses the format: [base ID].[unique number for message].A[unique attachment number] The base ID is the same as the thread ID without the leading zeros. The thread index for the root message of the thread will just be this. |
Text |
1701.1 1701.1.A1 1701.1.A2 |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ET_ThreadModified |
The timestamp of the most recent “process data” operation that made any additions to the thread. |
Date |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ET_ThreadSize |
The total number of unique messages (not documents -- see 'IsMessage' above) in the thread. |
Numeric |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ET_ThreadSort |
A sort order which follows the chain of conversation, from first message to most recent. If a conversation splits into multiple branches, ET_ThreadSort will keep each of the branches together. |
Numeric |
Doc |
tblDoc |
FileAccuracy |
Accuracy rating generated by file engine during file validation. |
Numeric |
0=Unidentified, 1=Low, 2=Medium, 3=High |
Doc |
tblDoc |
FileDescription |
Description of native file type, as listed in file type database. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Filename |
Original filename of native file. Contains subject of e-mail message for e-mail records. |
Text |
Estimates.xls FW: Monday Meeting |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Filesize |
Size of native file, in bytes. |
Numeric |
Doc |
tblDoc |
FileType |
ID number associated with file type. |
Numeric |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Footer |
Displays size of footer value if image was endorsed in CloudNine™ LAW. |
Numeric |
0=Unendorsed 25=Contains 1/4" footer 50=Contains 1/2" footer Values displayed in increments of 0.25" |
Page |
tblPage |
From |
Author of the e-mail message. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
HasAnnotations |
Indicates whether annotations are applied to the document. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No |
Doc |
tblDoc |
HasBookmarks |
Indicates whether the Adobe Acrobat PDF file contains bookmarks. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No |
Doc |
tblDoc |
HasComments |
Indicates whether a Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint document contains comments or a PDF document contains sticky notes. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No |
Doc |
tblExtendedProps |
HasExtProps |
Indicates whether extended property fields exist within the document. The actual values of the extended property fields have no bearing on the HasExtProps value. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No |
Doc |
tblExtendedProps |
HasHiddenRowCol |
Indicates whether a Microsoft Excel document contains one or more hidden rows or columns. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No |
Doc |
tblExtendedProps |
HasHiddenSheet |
Indicates whether a Microsoft Excel document contains one or more hidden worksheets. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No |
Doc |
tblExtendedProps |
HasPageLimit |
Indicates whether a Microsoft Excel, Adobe Acrobat PDF, Law PDF, or text file document contains page limits for printing or converting the document to TIFF. Note: If the total number of pages for a specific document is greater than the page limit value, and the page limit check box is enabled for the document’s file type under the General category in the e-Print Options or TIFF Conversion Options dialog box, the HasPageLimit field will be set to Y. Note: The HasPageLimit field is only updated for Excel, PDF, or text files that are printed or converted using batch processing. The HasPageLimit field is not updated for Excel, PDF, or text files that are manually printed or converted . |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No |
Doc |
tblDoc |
HasRedaction |
Indicates whether redactions are applied to document. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No |
Doc |
tblExtendedProps |
HasTrackChanges |
Indicates whether a Microsoft Word or Excel document contains tracked changes. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No |
Doc |
tblExtendedProps |
Header |
Displays size of header value if image was endorsed in CloudNine™ LAW. |
Numeric |
0=Unendorsed 25=Contains 1/4" footer 50=Contains 1/2" footer Values displayed in increments of 0.25" |
Page |
tblPage |
Headers |
Contents of the header in an e-mail message. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
HiddenSlides |
Indicates whether a PowerPoint document contains hidden slides. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No |
Doc |
tblExtendedProps |
HiddenText |
Indicates if a document contains hidden text. |
Boolean |
True, False |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ID |
Unique ID value assigned to all records in CloudNine™ LAW, starting with 1. |
Numeric |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ImageExt |
File extension of image records in LAW. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Importance |
Importance field extracted from an e-mail message. |
Text |
0=Low, 1=Normal, 2=High, 3=None |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ImportSetId (ImportSet) |
Turbo Import sets will reflect the Import Name in this field. |
List |
Import Set 001 |
Doc |
ImportSessions |
ImportStation |
Name of the computer that imported a document. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
InReplyToID |
IntMsgID of the e-mail replied to. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
IntMsgID |
Internet Message ID assigned to an e-mail message by the outgoing mail server. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
IsRedacted |
Indicates whether a redaction is merged on the page. |
Text |
Y=Yes, <blank>=no merged redaction |
Page |
tblPage |
Keywords |
Keywords extracted from the metadata of the native file. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Language |
Lists the first 5 languages found in the document. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
LastAuthor |
Last Saved By value pulled from metadata of the native file. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
MD5Hash |
Unique identifier, similar to a "fingerprint", extracted from all files imported via ED Loader or Turbo Import. Uses 128-bit encryption. May be used for deduping purposes. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
MsgClass |
Outlook bound property indicating type of entry in store. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
NativeFile |
Only for files imported into a LAW case from Explore using LAW Direct export. |
Text |
For files imported into an existing LAW case: ...\Cases\[LAW case name]\$EDD\$NativeFiles\ For files imported into a LAW case created by a LAW Direct export: ...\Cases\[ED Loader case name]\$EDD\$NativeFiles\ |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ND_ClusterID |
A unique ID for each near-duplicate document cluster. Documents in a cluster may be similar, but not as closely related as documents in the near-duplicate family, and some documents in a cluster may not be similar, but are connected by a chain of relationships between documents. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ND_ContentHash |
Identifies exact duplicates. If documents have the same hash value in the ND_ContentHash field, they share the exact same text, even if the documents have different metadata or file formats. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ND_FamilyID |
A unique ID for each near-duplicate document family. All documents within the same near-duplicate family will have the same ID in the ND_FamilyID field. The ND_FamilyID value matches the master document's ID value, but is padded to eight digits. For example, if the master ID = 1. The corresponding ND_FamilyID value = 00000001. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ND_IsMaster |
Indicates whether the document is the master document. Within a family, the master document is the one with the greatest overall similarity to all the other documents in the family. It has to be a near-duplicate of every other document in the family. Note: Documents that are not part of a near-duplicate family will also have a Y (Yes) value in the field. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ND_ResultSet |
Used for internal tracking purposes by the near-duplicate processing utility. Indicates the near-duplicate index revision that the ND_* fields for the current record represent. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ND_Similarity |
Displays the percentage of similarity between the document and its master document. Within a family, the master document is the one with the greatest overall similarity to all the other documents in the family. It has to be a near-duplicate of every other document in the family. |
Numeric |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ND_Sort |
A document’s sort order ID. The Near-Duplicate Analysis utility sorts documents based on document similarity. The closer documents are to one another, the closer their sort order ID will be to each other. |
Numeric |
ex: 2284, 2285, 2330, 2286 |
Doc |
tblDoc |
OcrAccuracy |
The percentage of accuracy for the file's document-level OCR. This field will be blank for a document when the OCR was transferred from Explore. |
Numeric |
Doc |
tblDoc |
OcrFlag |
OCR status of each page in a document. |
Text |
Y=Page flagged for OCR N=Page not flagged C=Page is complete E=Error occurred during OCR |
Page |
tblPage |
OcrStatus |
OCR status of each document. |
Text |
Y=One or more pages flagged for OCR N=No pages flagged for OCR C=OCR complete for document I=OCR canceled E=Error occurred during OCR P=Processing |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Organization |
Company field extracted from native file metadata. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
OrigExt |
Original file extension of native file, if "auto-assign ext." option was enabled and file was suspect. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Page |
Number for each page in a document. |
Numeric |
Page |
tblPage |
PageID |
ID number assigned by user to document pages (images only). |
Text |
ABC0001 |
Page |
tblPage |
PageColor |
Stores the color information at a page level for scanned and imported images, as well as images created durring TIFF conversion. |
List |
Black & White (1) Color (2) Grayscale (3) |
Page |
tblPage.ColorID |
PageFilename |
Path to TIFF image or PDF file that was a result of TIFF conversion in CloudNine™ LAW. Path is relative to $ImageArchive folder. |
Text |
Page |
tblPage |
PageHeight |
Stores the height of an image at the page level for scanned and imported images, as well as images created during TIFF conversion. |
Numeric |
11.50 |
Page |
tblPage |
PageSize |
Stores the page size of an image at a page level for scanned and imported images, as well as images created during TIFF conversion. |
List |
Letter (1) Legal (2) Double Letter (3) Oversized (4) |
Page |
tblPage.PageSizeID |
PaperSource |
Stores the source of an image at the page level for scanned and imported images, as well as images created during PDF/TIFF conversion. |
List |
Feeder (1) Flatbed (2) Imported (3) TIFF Conversion (4) Manual TIFF Conversion (5) |
Page |
tblPage.SourceID |
PageWidth |
Stores the width of an image at the page level for scanned and imported images, as well as images created during TIFF conversion. |
Numeric |
8.5 |
Page |
tblPage |
Path |
Folder path for LAW records, relative to root case folder, as shown in the tree view in CloudNine™ LAW main user interface. Physical files may not exist in this path in Windows, depending on how the files were imported or scanned. |
Text |
001Source\001Box |
Doc |
tblDoc |
PgCount |
Number of pages in a document. |
Numeric |
25 |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Placeholder_Name |
Determines whether a document placeholder image is generated instead of a document image if LAW attempts to convert the document to a TIFF file. |
List |
Blank or a predefined or custom document placeholder template name. Custom placeholder templates are created from the Separator Page Options dialog box. |
Doc |
tblDoc |
PrevErrMsg |
If a record is successfully converted to TIFF, the ErrorMsg field is cleared and any existing value in that field is prepended to the PrevErrMsg field for reference. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
PrintJobName |
Displays the name of the job in the print spooler for TIFF conversions. This field allows additional errors to be logged if multiple jobs are detected in the spooler for a conversion or the name of the job in the spooler does not match the expected job name for a document. *NOTE: Special attention must be given to any errors prefixed with "Multiple jobs detected" or "Print job name does not match expected format" to inspect the captured image against the original for correctness. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ReadReceipt |
Indicates whether a read receipt request notification existed for e-mail messages. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No, <null>=Attachments and e-docs will have null value |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Revision |
Revision number extracted from native file metadata. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Sensitivity |
Sensitivity field extracted from e-mail messages. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Sha1Hash |
Unique identifier, similar to a "fingerprint", extracted from all files imported via ED Loader or Turbo Import. Uses 160-bit encryption. May be used for deduping purposes. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
SourceApp |
Source application assigned to the native file, as specified in the file type database. This application will be used to print the file during the e-Print and TIFF Conversion batch processes. |
List |
<No Source Specified> Adobe Acrobat AutoVue Suite Binary/Hex Printer Corel WordPerfect eDrawings Viewer Image Printer Internet Explorer IrfanView Law PDF Microsoft Excel Microsoft Outlook Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Project Microsoft Visio Microsoft Word Native PDF Printer Quick View Plus Shell Printer Snapshot Viewer Text/RTF Printer VoloView Express |
Doc |
tblDoc |
SourceFile |
Fully qualified original path (including filename) to original loose e-mail message. |
Text |
D:\001\test.msg |
Doc |
tblDoc |
SpeakerNotes |
Indicates whether a PowerPoint document contains speaker notes. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No |
Doc |
tblExtendedProps |
Subject |
Subject field value extracted from native file metadata. Subject field is for e-docs only. EMail_Subject field is for e-mail messages. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
SuspectExt |
Flagged with "Y" value for files deemed suspect during the validation process, meaning the original file extension did not represent the true file type. |
Text |
Y=Considered suspect, N=Not a suspect file |
Doc |
tblDoc |
SuspectOLE* |
Document suspected to contain embedded files. |
Text |
Y=Contains embedded files, N=Does not contain embedded files. |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Template |
Template field value pulled from native file metadata. |
Text |
Normal.dot |
Doc |
tblDoc |
TextFilePath |
Full path to the linked text file associated with a document imported using the load file import. This field is populated when load files are imported into a case with the "Link to source files in place when importing load files" check box selected on the Preferences tab in the Options dialog box (Tools > Options). |
Text |
C:\Docs\Vol001\007\00011157.txt |
Doc |
tblDoc |
TextPStatus |
Status of text extraction that occurs as files are converted to TIFF images or PDF files (TIFF Conversion batch process). "Save text with images" must be enabled in order for the TIFF engine to attempt text extraction. |
Text |
C=Text was extracted during TIFF conversion, N=No text was extracted during TIFF conversion |
Doc |
tblDoc |
TextXStatus |
For files imported using ED Loader or Turbo Import, the status of native text extraction that occurs during the import. For files exported from Explore using the LAW Direct export, the status of native text extraction for the file in Explore when the file is exported. |
Text |
C=Text extracted successfully from native file, N=No text was extracted, E=Error occurred extracting text, see ErrorMsg field |
Doc |
tblDoc |
ThreadID |
Tracks e-mail threads imported via ED Loader or Turbo Import from Outlook stores and from loose MSG files. Attachments to e-mails receiving a value for the ThreadID are populated with the ThreadID of the corresponding parent e-mail. |
Text |
Populated with the leftmost 22 characters of ConversationIndex field. |
Doc |
tblDoc |
TiffStatus |
Status of TIFF conversion. Note: Values in this field will not control which files are converted to TIFF files, and which are not. Any files selected for TIFF conversion in the Batch Process form will be converted to TIFF or given a placeholder (if enabled) regardless of this field. |
Text |
Y=Flagged for converting to TIFF (any files with a valid source app assigned will be flagged after ED import), C=File was converted to TIFF file, E=Error occurred and was logged during TIFF or PDF conversion(see ErrorMsg field), W=Warning was logged during TIFF or PDF conversion, N=File not flagged for converting to TIFF (no valid source app assigned during ED import, <No Source Specified> value is assigned), P=Placeholder printed for the document |
Doc |
tblDoc |
TimeAccessed |
Last accessed time from the file properties. Note: Many functions will cause this value to be updated by Windows (e.g., viewing file properties, dragging and dropping) and therefore this time will often be inaccurate. To avoid this situation,prior to handling the data, run the DisableLastAccessUpdate.reg file located in the \LAW50 folder (same folder as law50.exe) (requires reboot after running). This will prevent updates to this value (applies to LAW DateAccessed field also) by Windows while the file is being handled throughout the project. To re-enable the registry setting, run the EnableLastAccessUpdate.reg file located in the same folder. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
TimeAppEnd |
Calendar item appointment end time. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
TimeAppStart |
Calendar item appointment start time. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
TimeCreated |
Native file creation time. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
TimeLastMod |
Time native file was last modified. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
TimeLastPrnt |
Time native file was last printed (Office documents). |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
TimeRcvd |
Time the e-mail message was received. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
TimeSent |
Time the e-mail message was sent. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
TimeZoneID (TimeZoneProc) |
Time zone where item was first processed. |
List |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Title |
Title field value extracted from the native file metadata. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
To |
Main recipient(s) of the e-mail message. |
Text |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Unread |
E-mail has not been read. |
Text |
Y=Yes, N=No |
Doc |
tblDoc |
Volume |
Stores volume ID, as listed in tblVolume in LAW case database. |
Numeric |
Doc |
tblVolume |
*this field isn't populated in a Turbo case