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ExceptionType Enumeration

The types of exceptions raised when processing documents

Namespace:  EdaIntegrationContract.Exceptions
Assembly:  EdaIntegration.Contract (in EdaIntegration.Contract.dll) Version: 7.6
public enum ExceptionType
  Member nameValueDescription
AnalysisFailed0 A critical failure occurred that caused the Analysis process to abort.
ArchiveOpenError1 An error occurred attempting to parse an archive failed due to corruption, encryption or mis-identification.
ContainerError2 An error occurred attempting to list the contents of a container or sub-container.
ContentExtractionError3 An error occurred during extracting the content from a file.
DeduplicationFailed4 An error occurred during duplicate detection
DocumentDelete5 Error deleting documents
EmailOpenError6 An error occurred attempting to parse a file that appears to be an email.
FilterError7 An error occurred during evaluating a processing filter (e.g. duplicate/nist).
ForensicImageOpenFailureError8 An error occurred attempting to open or process a forensic image file.
HashError9 An error occurred during file and email hashing operations.
IdentificationError10 An error occurred during the file type identification process.
InventoryError11 An error occurred during the inventory process.
InventoryFailed12 A critical failure occurred that caused the Inventory process to abort.
LanguageRecognitionError13 An error occurred identifying the language of a document.
MailStoreOpenError14 An error occurred attempting to process an inaccessible or corrupted mailstores, e.g. a PST.
MetadataExtractionError15 An error occurred during the extraction of metadata from a file.
ReprocessingRequired16 Due to upgrade issues, reprocessing of the document is required in order to resolve issues with extracting the documents attachments
Unknown17 An unknown exception type was encountered.
DateRange18 date range exception
EmptyFile19 A file was successfully processed but it was an empty (zero byte) file.
EncryptedFile20 The contents of a file were unable to be processed due to encryption.
ExecutableFile21 An executable (binary) file was encountered.
NoContent22 A file was successfully processed but it contained no content.
UnknownFileType23 The file type of a document was unable to be determined.
AnalyticsFailed24 A critical failure occurred that caused the Analytics process to abort.
EmailThreadDetectionError25 An error occurred during the email threading process.
IndexError26 An error occurred during the indexing process.
IndexingFailed27 A critical failure occurred that caused the Indexing process to abort.
IndexingTruncated28 Only a portion of the content was indexed because it was too large to completely index.
NearDuplicateDetectionError29 An error occurred during near duplicate detection processing.
NearDuplicateGroupingError30 An error occurred during the near duplicate grouping process.
NearNativeImagingError31 Logged for Near Native Imaging errors
NoOcrContent32 OCR was attempted for a document but no content was retrieved.
OcrError33 An error occurred during the OCRing of a document.
OcrFailed34 A critical failure occurred that caused the OCR process to abort.
See Also