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IExportDocumentManager.MarkAsReceived Method (Int32)

Marks the document as having been received/processed

Namespace:  EdaIntegrationContract.Exports
Assembly:  EdaIntegration.Contract (in EdaIntegration.Contract.dll) Version: 1.0
void MarkAsReceived(
	int documentId


Type: System.Int32
The unique identifier of the document to mark as received
The following example demonstrates marking documents in as having been received and processed. Doing so ensures that subsequent calls to All(Boolean) return only "new" documents. The example retrieves the list of documents for an export, prints each name to the system console, and then marks them as received so that they will not be returned in subsequent calls.
using EdaIntegrationContract;
using EdaIntegrationContract.Case;
using EdaIntegrationContract.Exports;

class Sample
    static void Main()
        var edaIntegration = new EdaIntegration().ConnectToExplore();

        // Get the export
        ICase edaCase = edaIntegration.Cases.OpenCaseByName("Case 1");
        IExport export = edaCase.Exports.ByName("Export-001"); 

        // Retrieve the list of documents that were exported
        IExportDocumentManager mgr = export.Documents;

        // Loop through each document
        foreach (IExportDocument doc in mgr.All())
            Console.WriteLine("{0}:  {1}", doc.ExportNumber, doc.FileName);

            // Mark the document as received
This example produces the following results:

00001160:  Unprofitable actions.msg
00001155:  Four Attributes.msg
00002241:  Technology outlook.pdf
00001163:  Load Forecasting Technology.msg
00002240:  Book1.xlsx
00001159:  Monthly data.msg
00001170:  Viewpoint from above.msg
00001168:  Scope.docx
00001166:  Key Stats YTD 2011.xlsx
00001167:  Forecast 2012.pptx
See Also