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IEmailMetadata Interface

Metadata specific to Email and calendar items

Namespace:  EdaIntegrationContract.Document
Assembly:  EdaIntegration.Contract (in EdaIntegration.Contract.dll) Version: 1.0
public interface IEmailMetadata

The IEmailMetadata type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAppointmentEnd
The appointment end date and time for calendar/appointment items.
Public propertyAppointmentLocation
The location where the appointment was held.
Public propertyAppointmentOptional
The list of optional recipients for the appointment.
Public propertyAppointmentOrganizer
The organizer of the appointment.
Public propertyAppointmentRequired
The list of required recipients for the appointment.
Public propertyAppointmentStart
The appointment start date and time for calendar/appointment items.
Public propertyAttachments
A semi-colon-delimited list of filenames of the (top-level) attached files.

ex: UserGuide.pdf;HelpFile.chm

Public propertyBCC
The email addresses of the recipient(s) of "Blind Carbon Copies" of the email message, comma or semi-colon delimited (depends upon email client).
Public propertyCC
The email addresses of the recipient(s) of "Carbon Copies" of the email message, comma or semi-colon delimited (depends upon email client).
Public propertyCodePage
A numeric value that specifies the character set used in the email.
Public propertyConversationId
A Microsoft-specific value used to identify an e-mail conversation.

ex: 01CF5D946F4EFD65607202

Public propertyConversationIndex
A Microsoft-specific value used for tracking the position of an email within a conversation. This value is used during the process of email threading.

ex: 0101CF602E916BDDE035F5FB3D47A8D8D2D6F92CC769

Public propertyConversationTopic
The normalized subject of the email.
Public propertyDeliveryReceipt
Indicates whether the option to request a delivery receipt was enabled in the email message.
Public propertyEmailClient
The email client used to send the email message.

This information not always available.

Public propertyEntryId
The unique identifier of the email within its mail store.

ex: 000000003DE46CC0FC76C04187C0BB41FBEBB063E4002000

Public propertyFrom
The email address of the sender of the email message.
Public propertyFromDomain
The domain portion (only) of the sender's email address.
Public propertyHeaders
The contents of the header extracted from the email message

This information not always available.

Public propertyIconIndex
Used by Microsoft Exchange to determine which icon to display (e.g. MailUnread).

ex: 4294967295

Public propertyImportance
The value of the Importance flag contained in the email message.
Public propertyImportanceValue
A string representation of the email importance.

ex: High

Public propertyInReplyToId
The Internet Message ID of the e-mail replied to.
Public propertyInternetMessageId
The Internet Message ID assigned to an e-mail message by the outgoing mail server.
Public propertyMessageClass
Indicates the item / entry type in the mail store.
Public propertyReadReceipt
Indicates whether the option to request a delivery receipt was enabled in the email message.
Public propertyReceived
Date and time the email message was received.
Public propertySensitivity
The value of the Sensitivity flag contained in the email message.
Public propertySensitivityValue
A string representation of the email sensitivity.

ex: Confidential

Public propertySent
The sent date and time of the email message.
Public propertySubject
The subject line from the email message.
Public propertyTo
The email addresses of the main recipient(s) of the email message, comma or semi-colon delimited (depends upon email client).
Public propertyUnRead
Indicates whether the email was marked read/unread.
Public propertyUnSent
Indicates whether the email was sent (for emails within a mail store).
See Also