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IExcludedContentManager.Create Method

Creates a new excluded content item for a case.

Namespace:  EdaIntegrationContract.NearDuplicate
Assembly:  EdaIntegration.Contract (in EdaIntegration.Contract.dll) Version: 1.0
IExcludedContentItem Create(
	string phrase


Type: System.String
The text or phrase of the excluded content item.

Return Value

Type: IExcludedContentItem
The excluded content item
If a duplicate phrase is added, the existing item is returned without creating a new record.
The following example demonstrates how to create an excluded content item for a case.
using EdaIntegrationContract;
using EdaIntegrationContract.Case;
using EdaIntegrationContract.NearDuplicate;

class Sample
    static void Main()
        var edaIntegration = new EdaIntegration().ConnectToExplore();
        ICase edaCase = edaIntegration.Cases.OpenCaseByName("Case 1");

        // Create an excluded content item
        string phrase = "This e-mail may contain information that is privileged or confidential.";
        IExcludedContentItem item = edaCase.NearDuplicates.Properties.ExcludedContent.Create(phrase);
        Console.WriteLine("Id: {0}", item.Id);
        Console.WriteLine("Phrase: {0}", item.Phrase);
This example produces the following results:

Id: 1
Phrase: This e-mail may contain information that is privileged or confidential.
See Also