About Clients and Matters

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About Clients and Matters

The Management tab in the FYI Admin Console is used to oversee all your clients, users, and corresponding matters. Organizing them in the tree view allows you to verify, at a glance, each of the databases associated with matters. After you associate registered databases, you can quickly verify what users have access to each database and enable their accounts accordingly.

Use the side tabs on the Management tab to view and manage clients, matters, databases, and users.

Tree - view a tree listing of all clients, matters, databases, and users. In the tree view, you can use the drag-and-drop method to organize your folders and associate databases and users with clients and matters.

Clients - add, remove, and modify clients, as needed.

Matters - add, remove, and modify matters, as needed. You can also view all matters organized by client on the Member of side tab.

Databases - register and unregister databases, enable databases for FYI Reviewer, and create FYI files for Concordance users, as needed. You can also set database firewalls on the Firewall side tab, view all databases organized by clients and matters on the Member of side tab, and specify a database administrator on the Administration side tab.

Users - add, modify, and remove users, insert domain users, set passwords for users, enable and disable user accounts, and set the maximum databases allowed settings for each application. You can also view all the databases the user group is associated with organized by client and matter on the Member of side tab.


Checklist: Setting Up Security

We recommend that you set up clients and matters prior to registering databases in the FYI Admin Console. This way you can easily associate databases with clients and matters, and then verify users as well. Reference the following checklist to ensure that you have completed the necessary phases of planning and implementing clients, matters, databases, and users.




Have you created a list for all clients and users that you need to manage and what matters apply to each of them?


Have you created a list of what databases are associated with each client and matter?


Are you going to register databases individually or bulk register them for each client and matter?




Did you set up all client and matter folders prior to registering databases and importing users?


Did you already add all users in the Concordance databases, enable security, and require a logon?


Registering Databases


Did you specify a database administrator?


Did you set a firewall for each database?

Note: Database firewalls take precedence over server firewalls.


Did you associate each database with a client and matter?

Note: FYI Reviewer users cannot access databases unless they are associated with a matter.


Publishing Databases


Did you remember to save a .fyi file for licensed Concordance users to access databases from remote locations?


Did you set up e-mail templates to distribute .fyi files and the FYI Reviewer URL to users?