Configuring Format-Specific Settings

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Configuring Format-Specific Settings

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RightArrow Configurable Formats:  


WindowIcon BlueTrace

BlueTrace uses GMT time and has the following predefined fields:











































ExportCaseLogistixSettingsWindowIcon CaseLogistix Settings

This window is used to configure CaseLogistix load file (XML) export settings.

Path Notation - The following options determine how image file paths are written to the exported load file:

oHard Path - The full file path will be written, so that the root directory is the same regardless of load file location.

oRelative Path - Relative file paths will be written, so that the location of the load file itself becomes the root directory.

oUNC Path - UNC notation is used for the file paths, so that a mapped network drive may be used as the root directory.

Include document/OCR text as a field in load file - When available, the extracted/OCR text from each document will be included in the load file.

oField name - This input box specifies a name for the field where this text is stored within the load file.

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ExportCaseMapSettingsWindowIcon CaseMap Settings

This window is used to configure CaseMap load file (CSV) export settings.

Data Delimiters - The following drop-downs determine what characters are used to delimit (contain/separate) document data within the exported load file:

oField - This drop-down determines the delimiter used for Metadata Field data.

Other - When selecting <other> from the Field drop-down, use this input box to specify a new delimiter to use.

oText - This drop-down determines the delimiter used for extracted/OCR text data.

Path Notation - The following options determine how image file paths are written to the exported load file:

oHard Path - The full file path will be written, so that the root directory is the same regardless of load file location.

oRelative Path - Relative file paths will be written, so that the location of the load file itself becomes the root directory.

oUNC Path - UNC notation is used for the file paths, so that a mapped network drive may be used as the root directory.

Include field names as first record - The name of each selected Metadata Field (Export Utility: Fields) is included in the first row (record) of the exported load file.

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ExportConcordanceSettingsWindowIcon Concordance Settings


Data Delimiters - The following drop-downs determine what characters are used to delimit (contain/separate) document data within the exported load file


Definition of a Delimiter: A delimiter is a character or sequence of characters used to separate distinct parts within plain text or data streams. For example, the comma character serves as a field delimiter in comma-separated values (CSV). Delimiters can include commas (,), semicolons (;), and quotes (“, ’).

oComma - The delimiter that marks the separation of metadata fields

oQuote - The delimiter that marks the start and end of a metadata field

oNewline - Marks the end of the metadata line

oRestore Defaults - This button will restore all delimiters to their default character selections.

Path Notation - The following options determine how image file paths are written to the exported load file:

oHard Path - The full file path will be written, so that the root directory is the same regardless of load file location.

oRelative Path - Relative file paths will be written, so that the location of the load file itself becomes the root directory.

oUNC Path - UNC notation is used for the file paths, so that a mapped network drive may be used as the root directory.

Allow Unicode data in load file - Allows for Unicode to be within the fields within the .DAT file

Create Opticon load file only - Only an Opticon will be generated upon the export

Enable support for Concordance Native Viewer - When enabled, configures the load file created during export to be opened with Concordance Native Viewer

Include field names as first record - Inserts the field names for each field as the first record in the .dat file. This is useful when viewing the data manually or importing into other applications.

Include document/OCR text as a field in load file - When available, the extracted/OCR text from each document will be included in the load file.

oField name - This input box specifies a name for the field where this text is stored within the load file.

Link to images and native files in their current location - Leaves any images and native files included in the export in their location (LAW case directory). This feature greatly improves the speed of the export because no files are being copied and LAW must only generate the load files. Paths in the load file will reflect the current location of the files.

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ExportConcordanceDesktopSettingsWindowIcon Concordance Desktop Settings


Use specific database (*.dcb) override path - Allows users to append to the desired database.

oDatabase path - This option is used in conjunction with the "Use specific database (*.dcb) override path" option.

Browse... - Click Browse to locate a Concordance Desktop database. Exported records will be appended to the selected *.dcb file.


If you are exporting the database to a different computer/server than where LAW is located then the Concordance services (Concordance Admin Server and Concordance Server services in services.msc) need to be enabled as a network account instead of local account.

oField Settings... - Open the Concordance Field Settings dialog box, which lists the fields in the current LAW case. The fields can be selected as "Keyed" or "Indexed" fields before exporting the database to Concordance. When the Concordance database is opened, the selected key and indexed fields are listed in File > Modify.


Note: These field settings only apply to Concordance 8 databases (or higher). To modify fields for earlier database versions, edit the E-Discovery.dcb database template located in the Template folder in the LAW installation directory.

Path Notation - The following options determine how image file paths are written to the exported load file:

oHard Path - The full file path will be written, so that the root directory is the same regardless of load file location.

oRelative Path - Relative file paths will be written, so that the location of the load file itself becomes the root directory.

oUNC Path - UNC notation is used for the file paths, so that a mapped network drive may be used as the root directory.

If Record Match is Found - will determine the action LAW will take if a matching record is found in the Concordance database when utilizing the append feature. The three options are:

oSkip Record - Record will be omitted if it already exists.

oUpdate Existing Record - Any new information will be applied to the existing record, if one is located.

oAppend All Records - All records will be appended to existing database.

Automatically load Opticon/Native base files - No longer an option

Concatenate DCB's across separate partitions - concatenate the databases into one database and then export it into partitions. For example, a partition size of 650 MB creates partitions of the concatenated database that can be copied to CDs. All of the database partitions are treated as one database. The partition size is set in the Options tab of the Export Utility.

Create Concodrance 10.0 database (supports Unicode) - No longer an option

Enable support for Concordance Native Viewer - Defaulted

Include document/OCR text as a field in database file - When available, the extracted/OCR text from each document will be included in the database (DCB) file.

oField name - This input box specifies a name for the field where this text is stored within the database file.

Link to images and native files in their current location - any images and/or native files included in the export in their current location (LAW case directory). This feature greatly improves the speed of the export because no files are being copied and LAW must only generate the load files. Paths in the load file will reflect the current location of the files.

Truncate text values that exceed their field size - records with text values that exceed their field size in the target DCB will still be added to the database. The offending text values will be truncated and a warning will be logged. When disabled, these records will not be added to the DCB and errors will be logged. The warning and error messages will include the field name, field size, and the offending data size.

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ExportConcordanceDirectSettingsWindowIcon Concordance Direct Settings


Use specific database (*.dcb) override path - Allows users to append to the desired database.

oDatabase path - used in conjunction with the "Use specific database (*.dcb) override path" option.

Browse... - Click Browse to locate a Concordance database; exported records will be appended to the selected *.dcb file.

oSecurity... - applies login information when appending to existing Concordance DCB databases. Click the button to enter a user name and password for the database.


The Security button is disabled in versions of Concordance that do not support this feature

oField Settings... - Open the Concordance Field Settings dialog box, listing the fields in the current LAW case. The fields can be selected as "Key" or "Indexed" fields before exporting the database to Concordance. When the Concordance database is opened, the selected key and indexed fields are listed in File > Modify. concordancefieldsettings_zoom25


Note: These field settings only apply to Concordance 8 databases (or higher). To modify fields for earlier database versions, edit the E-Discovery.dcb database template located in the Template folder in the LAW installation directory.


Path Notation - The following options determine how image file paths are written to the exported load file:

oHard Path - The full file path will be written, so that the root directory is the same regardless of load file location.

oRelative Path - Relative file paths will be written, so that the location of the load file itself becomes the root directory.

oUNC Path - UNC notation is used for the file paths, so that a mapped network drive may be used as the root directory.

If Record Match is Found - The selected option will determine the action LAW will take if a matching record is found in the Concordance database when utilizing the append feature.

oSkip Record - Record will be omitted if it already exists.

oUpdate Existing Record - Any new information will be applied to the existing record, if one is located.

oAppend All Records - All records will be appended to existing database.

Automatically load Opticon/Native base files - LAW will automatically load any exported files, eliminating the need for the user to do so once the Concordance database is created.

Concatenate DCB's across separate partitions - Concatenate the databases into one database and then export it into partitions. For example, a partition size of 650 MB creates partitions of the concatenated database that can be copied to CDs. All of the database partitions are treated as one database. The partition size is set in the Options tab of the Export Utility.

Create Concodrance 10.0 database (supports Unicode) -

Enable support for Concordance Native Viewer - When enabled, configures the load file created during export to be opened with Concordance Native Viewer 1.0.

Include document/OCR text as a field in database file - When available, the extracted/OCR text from each document will be included in the database (DCB) file.

oField name - This input box specifies a name for the field where this text is stored within the database file.

Link to images and native files in their current location - Leaves any images and/or native files included in the export in their current location (LAW case directory). This feature greatly improves the speed of the export because no files are being copied and LAW must only generate the load files. Paths in the load file will reflect the current location of the files

Truncate text values that exceed their field size - If this setting is enabled, records with text values that exceed their field size in the target DCB will still be added to the database. The offending text values will be truncated and a warning will be logged. When disabled, these records will not be added to the DCB and errors will be logged. The warning and error messages will include the field name, field size, and the offending data size.

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ExportDelimitedTextSettingsWindowIcon Delimited Text Settings


Data Delimiters - The following drop-downs determine what characters are used to delimit (contain/separate) document data within the exported load file:

oField - This drop-down determines the delimiter used for Metadata Field data.

oText - This drop-down determines the delimiter used for extracted/OCR text data.

Path Notation - The following options determine how image file paths are written to the exported load file:

oHard Path - The full file path will be written, so that the root directory is the same regardless of load file location.

oRelative Path - Relative file paths will be written, so that the location of the load file itself becomes the root directory.

oUNC Path - UNC notation is used for the file paths, so that a mapped network drive may be used as the root directory.

Allow Unicode data (UCS-2 format) - View any Unicode data existing in the selected export fields in the delimited text (CSV) file created during export.


The Allow Unicode data setting only applies to Concordance database versions 10 and above


Excel will not parse a Unicode file correctly by default unless a tab [009] is used for the field delimiter.

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ExportDocuMatrixSettingsWindowIcon DocuMatrix Settings


Case Name - Name of the case, if it is known.

Database Name - Name of the database, if it is known.

Include attachments by parent - Forces CloudNine™ LAW to include attachments with any selected parent.

Include page offset data with OCR - This setting uses the OCR information created from the ExperVision or ABBYY OCR engine to create information in the load file for producing hit highlighting in DocuMatrix. Without this setting enabled, OCR text will be included in the load file, but the location of each word will not be included. ("Include Full Text" must also be checked on the Formats/Documents tab of the Export Utility.)

Create XML for fixing existing documents - Use this setting to create an XML file specifically used for updating existing records in an existing DocuMatrix case.

Renumber documents sequentially - When enabled, LAW will renumber the documents in the .xml load file, starting with the specified value in the Starting # field.

oStarting # - The startig number you would like to use in this export.


DocuMatrix requires attachment (child) documents to have a parent in the load file. If an attachment is included to be exported but the parent is not (using the manual document range selection), this may cause problems when loading the file into DocuMatrix.

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ExportEDRM1SettingsWindowIcon EDRM 1.0 Settings


Batch Name - A specific name with the exported set of files and metadata. The value entered in the text box will be stored in the XML load file in the Batch Name tag.

Path Notation - The following options determine how image file paths are written to the exported load file:

oHard Path - The full file path will be written, so that the root directory is the same regardless of load file location.

oRelative Path - Relative file paths will be written, so that the location of the load file itself becomes the root directory.

oUNC Path - UNC notation is used for the file paths, so that a mapped network drive may be used as the root directory.

Include document/OCR text as content in load file - When available, the extracted/OCR text from each document will be included in the load file.

Link to images and native files in their current location - Creates links in the load file to the current location of image files and all other types of files.

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ExportEDRM2SettingsWindowIcon EDRM 2.0 Settings


Path Notation - The following options determine how image file paths are written to the exported load file:

oHard Path - The full file path will be written, so that the root directory is the same regardless of load file location.

oRelative Path - Relative file paths will be written, so that the location of the load file itself becomes the root directory.

oUNC Path - UNC notation is used for the file paths, so that a mapped network drive may be used as the root directory.

Include document/OCR text as content in load file - When available, the extracted/OCR text from each document will be included in the load file.

Link to images and native files in their current location - Creates links in the load file to the current location of image files and all other types of files.

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ExportiCONECTSettingsWindowIcon iCONECT Settings


Path Notation - The following options determine how image file paths are written to the exported load file:

oHard Path - The full file path will be written, so that the root directory is the same regardless of load file location.

oRelative Path - Relative file paths will be written, so that the location of the load file itself becomes the root directory.

oUNC Path - UNC notation is used for the file paths, so that a mapped network drive may be used as the root directory.

Date Format - Choose the date format for any exported date fields. Choose the desired format from the drop-down list.

Include document/OCR text as a field in load file - When available, the extracted/OCR text from each document will be included in the load file.

oField name - This input box specifies a name for the field where this text is stored within the load file.

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ExportTrialDirectorSettingsWindowIcon TrialDirector Settings

Use this window to configure both inData's TrialDirector and Summation Blaze load file export settings.

Document ID - Uniquely identifies each document within the collection. Users may choose BegDoc# or any other index field in the CloudNine™ LAW case, such as DocID or Exhibit Number (for example).

Object ID - References each page within the document. This field may either be Page ID (used when BegDoc# is selected as the Document ID field) or Auto-Generate, which assigns a .001 extension (and so on) after the Document ID to each page within the document (i.e., EX001.001, EX001.002, EX001.003). The Auto-Generate feature is most commonly used when a field other than BegDoc# is selected as the Document ID.

Description (Optional) - Optional setting allowing users to populate the Description field in TrialDirector or Sanction with values from a user-defined field in the LAW database.

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ExportInmagicSettingsWindowIcon Inmagic Settings

This window is used to configure Inmagic's DB/TextWorks load file (ADD) export settings.

Path Notation - The following options determine how image file paths are written to the exported load file:

oHard Path - The full file path will be written, so that the root directory is the same regardless of load file location.

oRelative Path - Relative file paths will be written, so that the location of the load file itself becomes the root directory.

oUNC Path - UNC notation is used for the file paths, so that a mapped network drive may be used as the root directory.

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ExportIntrospectSettingsWindowIcon Introspect Settings


General - The following options determine how the load file is written

oBatch Name - the volume name of the exported load file will be used by default

oIndex ID - Appears as repeating value in the load file.

oFolder ID - Appears as repeating value in the load file.

Each of these three values is usually provided if this format has been requested

oInclude all Bates numbers - Creates a text file called "<image>_uid.txt" for each multi-page document and contains a list of PageIDs contained in the multi-page document.

oLink to images and files in current location - When enabled, the export process will generate the load file(s) and link them to the images and/or native files in their current location; the files are not copied.


Note: When using this setting, images MUST be in multi-page format in the CloudNine™ LAW case in order for Introspect to view all pages of the images. Also, the IDX load file will always be written to the image path of the case so relative paths to the documents can be used (required by Introspect) and named according to the batch name as configured in the Introspect settings. A shortcut to the load file will be created in the export path referencing the load file in the image directory of the case.

oUse IDX version 5 format - Forces LAW to configure the load file to match the specifications for Introspect 5.

Field IDs... - display the field configuration dialog


Priority -

oLow -

oMedium -

oHigh -

Flags -

oIndex flag -

oRender flag -

oHold flag -

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IPROSettingsWindowIcon IPRO IntelliVIEW

Include Index Fields In Load File - Specifies fields to include in the LPF file.

oIPRO Field Information dialog box

Include OCR word information - OCR produced using the ExperVision or ABBYY OCR engine may be included in the IPRO load file using the full text (FT) tag, which allows full text searching in IPRO.

oWrite to Separate LFP file - This option will generate two IPRO files displayed as [Volume].lfp and [Volume](ocr).lfp.

Number pages (w/IPRO annotations) - This feature allows CloudNine™ LAW to create special tags in the exported LFP file that apply the current PageID of the document as an "IPRO Annotation." This allows IPRO users to view/hide the PageID annotation just as if the annotation were created in IPRO itself.

oAlignment - Left, Centered, or Right

oVertical Position - places the annotation relative to the height of the document. Select 0% to create an annotation at the top of the page. Select 100% to create the annotation at the bottom of the page.

Use New Folder Flags - Use this setting to include an (F) flag in the IPRO .lfp file as the document break at the beginning of each new folder. The default value for this feature uses the document (D) flag.

Use Volume Path Notation - Select this option to use a volume path notation. Otherwise, a full path (with drive letter) will be used and no volume will be specified.

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ExportJFSLitigatorsNotebookSettingsWindowIcon JFS Litigator's Notebook

Available Fields - Fields that are in LAW

JFS Fields - JFS fields that you can map to

Mapped Fields - Displays the list of fields that you have mapped. You may select mapping to then also delete them

Use Alternate Format - List only the exported field names (per line) with the corresponding field value.

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ExportPDFSettingsWindowIcon PDF Settings

Create bookmarks for grouped documents -

oBookmark Caption - The fields will be used as the bookmark titles in the exported PDF.

If a document is not a parent or contains no attachments, no bookmarks will be created in the PDF file for that document.

Parent - drop-down lists will contain the index fields that exist in the current case.

Attachments - drop-down lists will contain the index fields that exist in the current case.

Populate PDF metadata - This setting may be used to populate the metadata of a PDF file with index field values stored in the LAW case. This feature must be used in conjunction with the Combine Parents/Attachments option.

oTitle - Select a field to populate this metadata

oSubject - Select a field to populate this metadata

oAuthor - Select a field to populate this metadata

oKeywords - Select a field to populate this metadata

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ExportRingtailSettingsWindowIcon Ringtail Settings


Allow long folder names (over 20 chars) - allows CloudNine™ LAW to ignore Ringtail's recommended folder name length limit of 20 characters.


This setting is not recommended as Ringtail does not officially support long folder names. This option is available due to special LAW user requests.

Include document/OCR text as a field in load file - When available, the extracted/OCR text from each document will be included in the load file.

oField name - This input box specifies a name for the field where this text is stored within the load file.


Ringtail does not directly support this method and it should be used with caution.

Insert special page markers in OCR text - Inserts a special page marker onto the OCR text of each page in the following format:
###{Page}|||Page {PageID}^^^

This tag is used by Ringtail for linking the OCR text to the actual images

oReplace existing page markers - Removes any existing page markers currently on the OCR and replace them with the new value.

This feature is useful if the OCR in LAW already contains these markers but document boundaries have since changed. Instead of re-OCRing the documents, this feature replaces the old tag with the new.

Include reference to native file in Pages table - When enabled, and native files are included for export, LAW will write a record for each native file to the Pages table in the Ringtail load file (export.mdb).

Records referenced in the pages table will be available for viewing in the Image frame in Ringtail.

If images and native files are included for export, and the native records are not referenced in the Pages table, Ringtail will locate the native files and allow viewing of them in the Content frame, provided the native files are named the same as the associated image and are located in the same folder.

Multi-entry fields... - Ringtail supports either single-page or multi-page TIFFs; however, the most commonly used image format is single-page TIFF.

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WindowIcon Storm Viewer

Storm Viewer is a freely distributable viewer available to the public. The viewer runs as a front-end to the Storm imagebase. The Storm imagebase can be built and distributed freely by users of CloudNine™ LAW and Storm-X. Storm Versions 1.2 and above now offer the DB-Builder License which allows users to import industry standard loads files and raw image files to build their own Storm ImageBases.

Storm utilizes the powerful Advantage Local Server for accessing image data and metadata. The local server has a 5-user concurrent connection limit, so any 5 users may have a single database open at one time.

For users who wish to scale Storm for use as a document retrieval tool, and have more clients, the Advantage Database Server is a lightweight and powerful relational database management system (RDBMS) that can add stability, speed, and connections to existing imagebases.



Storm Viewer exports will also work for the Storm software, a free CD-runtime viewer.


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ExportSummationSettingsWindowIcon Summation Settings


Allow advanced (iBlaze) dii features - Enables features not compatible with versions 5.21 and below of Summation.

eDii Tokens... - This feature allows users to choose which tokens are placed in the Summation load file. All available tokens are selected by default.

eDii Tokens dialog box

oWrite all fields to dii file - Allows the writing of seven or more index fields to be written to the DII file. The default export method is to write the index fields to a text file if the number of index fields is greater than seven.

oInclude document/OCR text directly in dii file - When available, the extracted/OCR text from each document will be included in the dii file.

oInclude PST tokens directly in dii file - Forces CloudNine™ LAW to include an extra 'tag' in the edii file. The @PSTFile token allows Summation users to identify the source PST file where the e-mails originated. This can be helpful if there are many individual PST files being processed for a job. If this option is not checked, the @PSTFile token will be omitted from the load file (*.dii). This option is only available in cases that are enabled for electronic discovery.

oInclude @EDOC token for e-mail messages - If a PST or NSF mail store file is included in the export, enabling this option adds the @EDOC filename token to the load file (*.dii).

Always write index fields to separate file - Forces LAW to place all index field information into a delimited text file regardless of the number of index fields selected for export.

Include field names as first record of delimited text file - Places the index field names in the first line of the delimited text file. This is useful for determining the field order of the data in the load file or for importing into other applications.

Data Delimiters - The data delimiters for the delimited text file may be defined in this section. The default values for this feature can be reset by clicking the Restore Defaults button.

oField Separator - The delimiter that marks the separation of metadata fields

oQuote Character - The delimiter that marks the start and end of a metadata field

o<Return> Value in Data - Marks the end of the metadata line

oRestore Defaults -  This button will restore all delimiters to their default character selections.

Dii Path Notation - is used to specify the type of volume notation to use in the dii file

oCD Volume (@V Vol:) - Option will return a tag in the dii similar to: "@D @VVol001:\Vol001\001\" where "Vol001" is the volume name.

oHard Path - Creates a tag similar to: "@D C:\Exports\Vol001\001\".

oImage Directory (@1) - Option will return a tag in the dii similar to: "@D @I\Vol001\001\" where "Vol001" is the volume name.


An INI setting is available to modify the @MEDIA value used for e-mail attachments that are e-mail files (i.e. MSG attached to an MSG).

By default, LAW will populate the @MEDIA token for these attachments as Attachment per the Summation documentation.

However, the value can be changed to eMail for e-mails attached to e-mails by adding the following setting in the Law50.ini file in the application path (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Law50):



If the [Summation] section already exists, add the key below it. Otherwise, add the entire setting as shown. To switch back to the default of Attachment, either remove or comment out the setting above or replace the eMail value with Attachment.


The @O token will be included in the Summation load file in either of the following conditions:

1) The text is exported to a different location or has a filename different than the image.




2) When there is no TIFF image associated with a record.