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CaseStatistics Properties

The CaseStatistics type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnalysisYield
Total number of items processed.
Public propertyAnalysisYieldSize
Total size of items processed.
Public propertyErrors
Total count of errors in processing and export.
Public propertyExcludedDupe
Total count of items that were excluded because they were duplicates.
Public propertyExcludedDupeSize
Total size of items that were excluded because they were duplicates.
Public propertyExcludedFtm
Total count of items that were excluded due to File Type database filter definitions.
Public propertyExcludedFtmSize
Total size of items that were excluded due to File Type database filter definitions.
Public propertyExcludedNist
Total count of items that were excluded due to Nist definitions.
Public propertyExcludedNistSize
Total size of items that were excluded due to Nist definitions.
Public propertyExported
Total number of items exported.
Public propertyExportedToLaw
Total number of items exported to LAW.
Public propertyFailures
Total number of failures in processing.
Public propertyInventoried
Total number of items inventoried.
Public propertyInventoriedSize
Total size of items inventoried.
Public propertyWarnings
Total count of warnings in processing.
See Also