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ExceptionManager Class

The manager of exceptions that occurred during document processing in a case
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Law.EdaIntegration.Exceptions
Assembly:  Law.EdaIntegration (in Law.EdaIntegration.dll) Version: 7.2
public class ExceptionManager

The ExceptionManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyProperties
Provides access to the Exception properties for this case.
Public methodCode exampleAll
Retrieves all exceptions that have occurred in a case
Public methodCode exampleById
Retrieves a specific exception by its unique identifier
Public methodChecksum
Gets a checksum representing the list of all exceptions in the case
Public methodCount
Gets the number of exceptions that will be retrieved by the specified filter
Public methodCode exampleCountsByType
Retrieves the count of exceptions for each exception type that meets an optionally supplied set of filter criteria. If no filters are supplied then counts are returned for each exception type for which exceptions occurred.
Public methodCode exampleFilterValues
Retrieves the values and the count of exceptions for a specified filter type.
Public methodNextPage
Gets the next page of exceptions
Public methodReProcess
Queues up the documents with the provided list of exceptions to be reprocessed by Early Data Analyzer.
Public methodReProcessAll
Reprocess all exceptions met by the filter criteria
Public methodSaveAllToCsv
Saves all exceptions allowed by filter to csv except specified ids
Public methodSaveSelectedToCsv
Saves the specified exceptions to a csv file
Public methodCode exampleUpdateProperties
Saves the exception properties to the case.
See Also