About Concordance Programming Language (CPL)

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About Concordance Programming Language (CPL)

The Concordance Programming Language (CPL) is a proprietary structured script programming language providing what programmers call extensibility: The ability of a program to stretch beyond its original capabilities.  For example, let's say a paralegal has mistakenly entered the beginning and ending Bates numbers in the same field. Now he needs to get the ending number out and into a separate ENDBATES field. Or a litigation support analyst wants her search results to automatically include all cross-referenced documents as well.  A CPL can be used to handle both situations.

Concordance ships with a number of CPLs for use with Concordance. For example, the CreateHyperlinks CPL creates an attachment or hyperlink to an external document so that search results automatically include all cross-referenced documents.

Concordance Scripts

A Concordance script is defined as code written in the Concordance Programming Language (CPL), stored in an ASCII-compatible plain text file, and saved with the .cpl extension. You can create, open, and modify a Concordance application using an ASCII-compatible text editor, or else through the Concordance UI.  

While there are many scripts you can find, Concordance Technical Support supports only those that are shipped with the product and updated for a particular version. In the sample directory, CPL scripts are named with Concordance version release number extensions, indicating the software version in which they are they are supported.

Example: BlankField_v10.00.cpl

This example indicates that it is supported for Concordance version 10.00.

Unsupported scripts include the following:

Those written for previous versions of Concordance.

Those written by vendors or staff at other organizations who have taken a class in writing scripts for their own use.

For a complete list of Concordance version 10.x scripts, usage, and instructions for executing, see About CPL Scripts.