Exporting to Concordance Desktop Viewer

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Exporting to Concordance Desktop Viewer

Concordance Desktop Load File Formatting

A load file (.opt, .log, .txt) format is a delimited ASCII file containing all information necessary to insert links into the imagebase. The load file consists of seven delimited entries. Reference the following table and examples when formatting images.

Image Load Files




Should match your media (image) key from the Concordance Desktop database. Concordance Desktop stores this key in order to reference the image.


Name of the volume where the documents and images reside, typically the volume name of a CD or DVD server.


Full path and file name (and extension) of the image.


Enter a Y to denote whether this image marks the beginning of a document.


Number of pages associated with the image




First page of a document

Comma (,)

Indicates a page break or pages


Example: Concordance Desktop viewer format for single-page TIFF files







Example: Concordance Desktop viewer format for Multiple-Page PDF files







A load file does not necessarily need the volume name, but still needs the parameter for the volume name (the commas).  Example format:  Imagekey/Alias,Volume Name,Pathname,Doc Break,Folder Break, Box Break, Page Count - without the VOL name would look like this:  0000001,,D:\VOLO001\001\0000001.tif,Y,,,1

A document or image file path cannot contain a comma (,) when exporting to Concordance Desktop Viewer. The comma is used as a delimiter in the exported OPT file.

Unique Identifier (Media Key)

Your load file format’s alias (media key) should match your image key from the Concordance Desktop database. Concordance Desktop stores this key in order to reference the image.

The alias in your load file matches the database field that has the Image check box selected on the Modify dialog box for the database in Concordance Desktop. For more information about the Image check box, see About fields.

The Concordance Desktop viewer will not load documents and images if the media (image) key contains over 1000 characters or a comma (,).

To Export Native Files for Use in the Viewer

1.Create the database you want to export. For information on creating a database, see Creating a new e-documents database.

2.Import the data into the database.

3.Verify that each record has a unique identifier in the field that you marked as the media (image) key field and the file path field displays the path to the native document.

4.From the Documents menu, click Export, and then As a Concordance Desktop database.

5.In the Export to Concordance Desktop dialog, select the database field where the file path is stored.

i.Note the output file path. This is where the .opt file will be exported for importing in Concordance Desktop.

Each time you perform an export, a unique OPT filename is generated with the date and time the file is created, DBNAME_YYYYMMDDhhmmssfff (i.e. NATIVE_20150517105932021.opt).

6.When finished, click the Camera button to view the documents and images in the viewer.

7.In the Exported Load File section of the Imagebase Conversion Source Selection dialog box, select the OPT file you exported, and then click Convert.

i.The viewer opens and displays the documents and images.