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The Deduplication report provides a summary and detailed view of deduplication information for the current case.
•If documents in the CloudNine™ LAW case were deduplicated using the ED Loader, Turbo Import, or CloudNine™ LAW's internal Deduplication Utility or if the documents were not deduplicated at all, the "Deduplication Report" will be available in the View Reports dialog.
•If the case was last deduplicated using the external Inter-Case Deduplication utility, then the "Inter-Case Deduplication Report" will be displayed in the report list. This report includes the same information as the Deduplication report, but includes data from any cases the current case was deduplicated against. This report does not list the case name at the top since the information may apply to more than one case.
Report Options
In addition to the Global Settings, the following options are available for the two deduplication reports: •Display Custodian Details - When set to True, the report will contain a "Custodians" section. All custodians in the case will be listed here and a duplicate summary will be included for each custodian. Set this option to False to exclude the Custodians section from the report. •Display Parent/Dup File List - When set to True, the report will contain a "Parent/Duplicate File List" section which lists every parent and duplicate record (minus attachments) in the case(s), followed by duplicate totals. •Group File List By - If the Parent/Duplicate File List is included in the report (see above option), the Group File List By option can be used to group the file list by parents or duplicate records.
Report Contents
Two sections exist below the Summary header in the deduplication report: Process Summary and Duplicates. Process Summary In the Process Summary, the Total Records count represents the number of records in the current LAW case (and member cases if the report spans multiple cases). The Processed count represents the number of records that have been deduplicated, while the Unprocessed count represents the number of records that have not been deduplicated (DupStatus = Null or U). Files that are ineligible for deduplication (i.e. images imported via raw image import) will also be included in the Unprocessed count. Duplicates The Duplicates section lists the duplicates and file size totals. The Total Duplicates count is the total number of records that have been flagged as duplicates (DupStatus=G or C). The "Dup. (non-att.)" count is the number of records that are duplicates (DupStatus=G or C) and may or may not have attachments. The "Dup. Atts" count is the number of records that are duplicates (DupStatus=G or C) and are attachments. For example, an e-mail item containing two attachments would be counted as 1 record for the Dup. (non-att.) section since it is the master duplicate of the family; then, the two attachments would be counted as 2 records for the Dup. Atts section since those records have received a duplicate status based on their parent record. The file sizes of the duplicate files in LAW are provided beside these totals in both MB and GB. •If the Display Custodian Details option was set to True prior to creating the report, the Custodians section will appear below the Summary. The Custodians section contains the same information as the Summary, but is the section is sorted by Custodian name and the data is broken down for each custodian in the associated LAW case(s). In the above example, nine total records exist in the case with a Custodian field value of CustodianB and four of those records are duplicates (DupStatus=G or C). •If the Display Parent/Dup File List option was set to True prior to creating the report, the Parent/Duplicate File List section will appear next. This section contains a file listing of duplicates and their associated parent records for the associated LAW case(s). This file list can be useful for listing and/or locating duplicate records for each original duplicate record in the case. Attachment records are not included in this list. For each record, the report displays the DocID, Custodian, Path (original), and the DupStatus value. In the above image, the shaded rows represent the parent records (DupStatus=P) and the duplicates are listed below their respective parent records. If the Group File List By option was set to Duplicates, the duplicate(s) would appear first, followed by the parent record. Below the file list, the report will display a total count of global duplicates (DupStatus=G) and a total count of custodian-level duplicates (DupStatus=C).