Advanced Reports

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Advanced Reports


WindowIcon Advanced Reports for ED Loader and Turbo Cases




Report Name




Summary Report

A 3 page summary report generated on the filers. You will then get a Document Timeline with the dates ranges of those documents. Tiff Summary - Deduplication Summary - Natives Summary - Index Summary - Index Summary - Extended Properties - Importance Summary - Suspect OLE - Endorse Summary - Parents and Attachments and a Text Summary

Display Custom Logo - Select Import Session  - Select a Tag - Select a Custodian


Turbo Import Files Type Manager Report

Generate a PDF with your logo, across the case or the subset that you filter to, on all files that were excluded against the NIST list.
At the top you will see the case name, the session your filtered on, the number of files that deduplicated, and the size of those files
Below, you will see the path of each file, the name and it's size.

Display Custom Logo - Select Import Session


Turbo Import NIST Report

Generate a PDF with your logo, across the case or the subset that you filter to, on all files that were excluded against the NIST list.
At the top you will see the case name, the session your filtered on, the number of files that deduplicated, and the size of those files
Below, you will see the path of each file, the name and it's size.

Display Custom Logo - Select Import Session


Turbo Import Deduplication Report

Generate a PDF with your logo, across the case or the subset that you filter to, on all files that were deduplicated upon ingestion.
At the top you will see the case name, the session your filtered on, the number of files that deduplicated, and the size of those files
Below, you will see the path of each file, the name and it's size.

Display Custom Logo - Select Import Session
