Adding e-documents to a Concordance Desktop database

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Adding e-documents to a Concordance Desktop database

Concordance Desktop is able to import a variety of electronic documents (eDocuments), including text, Adobe Acrobat PDF, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook or Outlook Express message files into an existing eDocuments database.  

Electronic documents require that source file software, like Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat, are pre-installed on your network in order to extract the data from the file and import it into your Concordance Desktop database.

Concordance Desktop, however, does not allow importing of data from any zipped, encrypted, .exe, or system files. The files are imported but not the data contained with the file.  You’ll need to adhere to any forensic data processes as outlined by your organization or recommended for e-discovery processing.

Some earlier versions of Microsoft Excel files are no longer supported through Microsoft and cannot be opened from Concordance Desktop.  For more information, please see the Microsoft website.

When using the Record Divider option, imported Microsoft Excel files that contain more than one sheet and viewed in the Concordance Desktop viewer will display only the first sheet for the database record.  No view is available for the other sheets associated with the record.

Adding documents to an existing E-Documents database is made easy using a simple file drag-and-drop operation. Concordance Desktop automatically processing the documents, assigning document IDs, reading document metadata, extracting text, and appending the records to the database.

Any file or electronic document format not supported will be added to the database as an excluded file, but the contents will not be imported.  You’ll need to adhere to any forensic data processes as outlined by your organization or recommended for e-discovery processing.

Supported E-Document File Types

Concordance Desktop supports the following E-Document file types for creating and adding documents to an E-Documents database:

File Type


*.tif, *.tiff

Tagged Image File

*.jpg, *.jpeg

Joint Photographic Experts Group


Graphic Image File




ASCII text


PC Paintbrush bitmap


Comma-Separated Values

*.cal, *.cals



Adobe Portable Document Format

*.doc, *.dot, *.docx

Microsoft Word

*.ppt, *.pps, *.pptx, *.pptm

Microsoft PowerPoint®

*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlw, *.xlt

Microsoft Excel®


Microsoft Outlook 2010 or later Message File


Microsoft Outlook Express




Rich Text Format

*.html, *.htm

Web/HTML (Only supported in e-document databases.)


Microsoft Outlook Personal Address Book


Microsoft Works

When importing records using a DAT file, ensure that the carriage return delimiter is set to something other than "new line" (value 013). If the new line delimiter value 013 is set, change that delimiter in the DAT file before attempting to import the file.

To Add Documents to a Concordance Desktop E-Documents Database

1.In Concordance Desktop, open the database to which you want to add additional records.

2.Open Windows Explorer and locate the folder that contains the documents you want to add to the database.

3.In the Windows Explorer folder, select the file(s) to add.

i.To select multiple files, use SHIFT+click or CNTRL+click.

4.Drag the file(s) to the database open in the Concordance Desktop workspace.

5.If dragging a DAT file, a Dat File Drop Operation box opens. Click Append.

6.When asked if you are sure you want to add files to the current database, click Yes.

i.The Import E-Documents progress dialog box opens.

7.In the Browse view, verify that each E-document you added displays properly.

8.If the database has already been indexed, reindex it. Otherwise, run a full index.

i.For more information about indexing and reindexing databases, see Indexing and reindexing updates.

9.If you receive the following message, Dictionary file exists, overwrite?, click Yes.

When adding documents to a database that is part of a concatenated set, the imported documents are appended to the end of the last database in the concatenated set.