Converting Databases

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Converting Databases

After upgrading to the latest version of Concordance, databases from older versions of Concordance that you want to use need to be converted.  You can convert an individual database, or you can run a bulk conversion to convert multiple databases at one time.


Database conversion is permanent.  You cannot convert back to an earlier version.  Be sure to make a backup copy of the databases before converting.

The conversion process to version 10.x includes a built-in step that checks the tag file contents for corruption and attempts to repair any detected issues.  After conversion completes, Concordance generates a Conversion Report.


During bulk database conversion, the administrator is no longer prompted for a username and password for each database. To prevent this feature from being used inadvertently, the Bulk Convert Databases to Current Version menu item is disabled until it is enabled on your workstation with a specific registry key.  See Concordance Registry Keys for more information.


The Default tag has been removed in version 9 and 10 databases.  If the Default tag is not assigned to a document in a version 8 database, the tag will not appear in the converted version 10 database. If the Default tag is assigned to a document in a version 8 database, the tag will be converted and appear exactly the same in the converted version 10 database.


The following table indicates how each database file is handled during a database conversion:

File Type

Conversion Action






Not modified


Not modified




Not modified


















Not modified


Converting a Single Database

1.Before converting a database, make a backup of all the files in the database.

2.Open the older database in Concordance using the File>Open or Databases>Open Database menu.  A warning dialog displays notifying you that the database must be converted before it can be used.  Click OK in the warning dialog.

3.Select Convert Single Database from the File>Administration menu.

4.In the Open dialog box, navigate to and select the database you want to convert, and then click Open.

5.A confirmation message displays.  Click Yes to convert the database.

6.If the database has security applied, you will be prompted for the database administrator Username and Password.  Enter that information and click OK.

7.The conversion process runs, and a conversion report is created.  You can now open the converted database in Concordance.


Converting Multiple Databases

1.Before converting databases, make a backup of all the files in the databases.

2.Select Bulk Convert Databases to Current Version from the File>Administration menu.

3.Navigate to and select the folder containing the databases you want to convert.  All databases in this folder and any sub-folders will be converted.  Click OK.

4.A confirmation message displays.  Click Yes to convert the databases.

5.The conversion process runs, and a conversion report is created for each converted database.  You can now open any of the converted databases in Concordance.


Database Conversion Report

After database conversion completes, a database conversion report is created in the database's directory.  The conversion report is a comma-delimited conversion log file, named <database name>-<date>.csv.

The conversion report contains the following information:

Database name

Path to database

Original database version

Date and time of database conversion

Total number of documents before conversion

Total number of documents after conversion

For each converted database file:

oFile name

oFor B-tree files, the number of records before and after conversion

oFor index files, the total number of dictionary words before conversion, and a note indicating that a full index needs to be run to gather the total number of words after conversion

oFor TRK files, the total number of tag names, total number of documents tagged before and after conversion, and the number of errors found during the TRK file conversion.  When converting version 9.x databases to version 10.x, Concordance counts the distinct tag names and the number of tag-to-document assignments, and ignores tags that have no document assignments.

oError codes for errors found

User ID of the user entered for Concordance security

Microsoft Windows User ID of the user converting the databases

Whether Concordance security is enabled

Whether Concordance login is required