Full-Text Searching Tools

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Full-Text Searching Tools

The following tools provide additional features and support when performing full-text searches in LAW:


FullTextSearchReportsWindowIcon Full Text Search Reports

This tool allows you to search through the full-text index of the active Case Directory for specific keywords or strings, and indicates how frequently they appear.

Search Filter

Restrict search results to specified tag - Requires records within the Case Directory to be tagged for text hits (Boolean) before becoming available. Select a tag-enabled Custom Metadata Field (Boolean only) from the drop-down menu. The Full Text Search Reports tool will only search through records tagged as Y within the selected field with this option enabled.

Search Requests

This pane displays a list of keywords or strings (Search Requests) performed via the Full Text Search Reports tool. These Search Requests can be individually activated or deactivated by checking or unchecking (respectively) their appropriate check-boxes located under the far-left column. Use the buttons at the bottom of the pane to further manage this list:

Check All - Activates (checks) all Search Requests.

Uncheck All - Deactivates (unchecks) all Search Requests.

Reset Counts - Clears the Docs and Hits columns (search results) for all Search Requests.

Clear All - Removes all Search Requests from the list.

Delete - Removes the currently selected (highlighted) Search Request from the list.

Add New - Adds a new Search Request to the list. Once added, a text cursor will automatically appear under the Search Requests column, requiring you to type in a keyword or string for the new request to target. An Item number is automatically assigned to each Search Request as it's created.

You may enter any number of desired Search Requests to the list. All active (checked) Search Requests are performed once a search query has started. Once the query finishes, the Docs (# of documents containing that keyword/string) and Hits (frequency that keyword/string appears in all documents) column are populated with the results for each active request. The Uniqueness column may later be populated by clicking on the Calc. Uniqueness button (explained below).


Run Searches - Initiates a full-text search through the Case Database for all active Search Requests. Populates the Docs and Hits columns for those requests with search results.

Search Options... - Opens the Full-Text Search Options window.

Import Searches... - Opens a File Explorer, allowing you search for a list of Search Requests saved as a TXT file.

Export Searches... - Opens a File Explorer, allowing you to save all active Search Requests as a TXT file.

Calc. Uniqueness - Requires at least two Search Requests to be active (for comparison). Populates the Uniqueness column for all active requests. Uniqueness measures the frequency of that keyword/string appearing exclusively within case records.

Save Report... - Opens a File Explorer, allowing you to save search results in a viewable table format as either an HTM or XLS file.

Tag Text Hits... - Opens the Select Target Field window, allowing you to choose a tag-enabled Custom Metadata Field to populate with the active Search Requests, which must be created prior to using this feature (explained here). This window has two additional settings available:

oTag parent/attachment families - All top-level (parent) and embedded (attached) documents will have their records tagged as well.

oClear tag results - Removes tags already present within the selected Custom Metadata Field from all records before tagging new results.

Backup Search Set - Opens the Search Set Backup Name window, prompting you to enter a Backup Name. Once entered, the full Search Requests list is saved internally within LAW under this name. The current Search Requests list is then cleared.

Load Search Set - Opens the Select Search Set window, allowing you to choose a set of Search Requests from LAW's internal list of Backup Search Sets to load into the Search Requests list.

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FulltextDictionaryWindowIcon Fulltext Dictionary

This tool helps you quickly scan the full-text index from the active Case Directory for specific keywords. Typing directly into the Lookup field will immediately display results in the list below. These results are shown by Word, Doc Count (number of documents containing the word), and Hit Count (frequency that word is found within all documents) as they're found. You can also use this tool to add words from the list as search terms to the Full-Text Search pane of the Database Query Builder.

Options... - Opens the Full Text Search Options window (shown below).

Export... - Opens a File Explorer, allowing you to save a list of every word found in the active case's full-text index (including Doc Count and Hit Count frequencies) as a CSV file.


InfoIcon Using the Fulltext Dictionary

1.Start typing directly into the Lookup field to begin listing words from the active case's full-text index.

2.Scroll through the list to find appropriate search terms for the current query. Select words from the list by left-clicking on them.

3.With the desired word selected, pick a Join connector from the drop-down menu at the bottom-left, and then click on the Add (F3) button to populate the Full-Text Search pane with that search term.

i.You can also press F3 on your keyboard instead of using the Add (F3) button.

4.Once you've added all desired search terms, click Done at the bottom-right to close the Fulltext Dictionary.

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FullTextSearchOptionsWindowIcon Full Text Search Options

This window provides settings that determine how LAW searches through the full-text index of the active Case Directory when performing text-based queries.

Stemming - All variants of each listed keyword are returned in the search results. For example, the search term "index" will also return "indexing", "indexed", "indexes", etc.

Phonic - Keywords sounding similar to those listed are also returned in the search results. For example, the search term "pear" will also return "pair", "pare", etc.

Fuzzy - Keywords with similar spelling to those listed are also returned in the search results. You can determine the margin of similarity with the slider, on a 1-10 scale.

Retrieval Thresholds - These options limit how long the search is performed for:

oMax Files to Retrieve - Matching records are returned until this value is reached. Leave at 0 for no limit.

oAbort Search After - Records are searched for matches until this value is met. Leave at 0 for no limit.

Search Syntax - The following options (select one) determine how search term text is interpreted:

oBoolean - Treat any Join connectors (AND/OR) exactly as they appear. All other text is treated as exact keywords or strings that are separated by these connectors.

oAll Words - Same as Boolean, but uses AND in place of all Join connectors.

oAny Words - Same as Boolean, but uses OR in place of all Join connectors.

oRegular Expression - Turns on regular expression (regex) mode, treating all text as search strings that target algorithmic patterns rather than exact keywords.

Results Options

oInclude hits by word in search results - A temporary "ft_HitsByWord" field will be included for each record returned by the query. This field displays which search terms were located, along with their frequency within.

Index Properties - Opens the Full Text Index Properties window.