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Filtering refers to the ability of CloudNine™ Explore to selectively remove files from the result set. The remaining subset of documents are those from the original source content that have the highest likelihood of being relevant to the case. The filtered subset can then be exported to CloudNine™ LAW or a native export.

Documents are only filtered if they unambiguously meet the criteria you specify. For example, if you apply a date range filter and CloudNine™ Explore finds a file that does not contain any date metadata, the file will not be filtered.


Filter results do not include mail store files, such as .pst and .nsf files, archive files, such as .zip files, or forensic images, such as .E01 or DD/RAW files.

CloudNine™ Explore provides the following types of filters:

File Hash - Filters by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) items and/or from a custom list of file hash items. Removes file types unlikely to contain relevant content, such as system files or documentation installed with software.  

Duplicate Document - Removes duplicate files.

Date Range - Evaluates the sent date for e-mail messages, and start/end dates for calendar items. E-mails are filtered if the sent date falls outside the range of dates you specify. Calendar items are filtered if both the start and end dates fall outside the dates you specific. Items with missing or ambiguous date metadata are not filtered.

File Type - Removes all but the specified file types. A file type list is generated based on analysis of the source files. You can select which file types should bypass filtering. File types are identified by CloudNine™ Explore using the same software library used by other CloudNine™ LAW tools.

E-mail Sender Domain - Evaluates the domain that an e-mail was sent from. Domains other than those you specify are filtered.

Language - Removes all files that don't contain the specified languages. A language list is generated based on analysis of the source files. You can select which languages should bypass filtering. For more information about supported languages, see Languages.