Setting watchdog services

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Setting watchdog services

In the event that a Concordance Desktop server stops for any reason, you can set watchdog services to automatically restart the server and admin console services. When the watchdog services are enabled, the watchdog service can send an e-mail alert to the Concordance Desktop administrator when it restarts services.

We recommend that you enable both the Concordance Desktop server and Admin Console watchdog services. You can enable and disable watchdog services on the Server tab in the Concordance Desktop Admin Console. By default, the watchdog services are enabled for both servers.

For more information about setting up watchdog e-mail messages, see Adding administration accounts to the server.

If you stop the services from the Server tab of the Admin Console, you must click the Start button in the Admin Console Server tab to restart the services. They will not restart automatically.

To Enable Watchdog Restart Services

1.On the Server tab, click the Options button to open the Server options dialog box.

2.Select the CNServer check box to enable the server watchdog service.

3.Select the CNSAdmin check box to enable the Admin Server watchdog service.

i.If you need to disable the watchdog services, clear the check box for the applicable server.

4.Click OK to save the settings.