Assigning a Variable

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Assigning a Variable

Once you have declared a variable, you may assign that variable a value.

To assign a value to a variable

1.Use the equals sign (=) to assign a value, as you would in mathematics.

i.Be sure that the type of data you are attempting to assign to a variable matches up with the variable type. for example, you should not attempt to assign an integer to a variable that was declared as text.

2.When assigning a value to a text variable, be sure to use double-quotes at the beginning and ending.

3.When assigning a value to a char, be sure to use single-quotes at the beginning and ending.

i.The following examples describe various ways of assigning a value to a variable.

x = 2;

myString = "hello";

aFloat = 3.1415;

myChar = 'a';


x = "hello";   /* BAD! Don't do this */


In addition to directly assigning a value, you can perform basic mathematical operations, and assign the result to a variable. For more information, see Performing Math with Variables.