Concordance Image

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Concordance Image

Image files are the original record scanned into a file format that is viewable in Concordance Image. Typically, the vendor who processed your documents supplies you with a corresponding image load file along with your images. If you do not receive this file, you can still load your images. However, having the image load file is recommended.

Image files can be paper documents that are scanned, or e-mail or native documents that are also processed. Your images can be single-page or multiple-page files and are usually named with your image alias. We recommend using single-page TIF files because the images load faster for review and are easier to work with if you need to adjust document breaks.

Your corresponding image load file provides an image alias or key, volume, path with file name, document break, folder break, box break, and page count. These files are usually in .opt, .log, or .txt file formats.  The volume, folder break and box breaks are optional and may be blank, but the .opt file itself must consist of seven comma-delimited fields.  Document break, folder break, and box breaks are indicated by the letter "Y".

Since your image files and image load file are typically provided by a vendor on removable media, the path information listed could be written in the D:\ drive and will need to be changed. You can provide the vendor with a specified directory path in advance if you already have a designated location for your images. If not, you can change the directory information yourself.

How to Change a Directory File Path for Images

Directly within the image load file (recommended)

In Concordance Image after loading the file information

Both directory file path changes are made with a simple search and replace. Once you have moved your images from the CD or DVD to the server, this directory is what you want to place in the image load file or in Concordance Image. You can edit the file path before or after the import process.

What a Concordance Image Record Profile Includes

Up to 16,770,266 images per document

Up to 536,870,912 volumes

Can open .tif, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, etc.  Concordance Image cannot open PDF files.

Image key: Value in the image field, if it matches the file name

Image alias: Value in image field, when different than image file name

Combined length of the image key, plus the file name and path must not exceed 1001 characters

Concordance Image Guidelines

TIF and OCR text files can be stored in the same folder

All TIF files from the same document do not have to be in same volume

If you do not have a Concordance database with document breaks, you will need to use a load file with document breaks, or set them manually in Concordance Image

Imagebase Component Files




Imagebase that stores image keys (aliases)


Tracks volumes, must be in same directory location and saved with the same name as the .dcb file


Stores all marks made on images including type, location, color, and user


Exported image load file from existing imagebase